How to copy Nuget packages?
I've created a .net core project (vs2017) in my station. I need to copy that project into a station which has no internet connection (to download the nuget packages). The meaning is that I need to copy...
View ArticleHow to update a nuget package which is already uploaded in
I had uploaded a nuget package into Now i want to update just the nuspec file.Is there a way to update the nuspec file of already uploaded package.I see an option to Manage,but it shows only...
View ArticleWhat are .NET Platform Extensions on
There is a framework-level navigation element at Microsoft Docs called ".NET Platform Extensions". It contains docs on recently added APIs like System.IO.Pipelines and System.Threading.Channels for...
View ArticleHow do I publish NuGet packages to GitHub Package Registry using dotnet on Mac?
The documentation is not complete and currently I cannot consume or publish package to GPR using dotnet on Mac. Any help would be useful
View Articletype or namespace name 'UISceneConfiguration' could not be found
I have a Xamarin.iOS project and it has included a nugget package aswell. When I try to rebuild the project, I am getting 14 errors and those are UISceneConfiguration, UISceneSession etc could not be...
View ArticleBuild error on Mac after upgrading PCL to .NET Standard 2.0
I upgraded my standalone PCL library to use .Net Standard 2.0. Now I tried to built on Mac and I get the following error:XamlC: Compiling Xaml, assembly: obj/Release/netstandard2.0/MyLibrary.dll...
View ArticleHow to install Nuget package using windows command line in C# project?
I have downloaded NuGet version - 5.1.0 and tried to install one of the package - log4net using cmd. it failed. below is error -Here, ClassLibrary1 is C# project where I have to add log4net package. I...
View ArticleNuGet CLI throw error Unable to find .nupkg
I try to build a package using NuGet CLI. I run next command :.\nuget.exe pack D:\projects\CloudStorage.Client.csproj -OutputDirectory D:\packages -Build -Symbols -Properties Configuration=Release; But...
View ArticleRequirements to build release pipeline in AzureDevOps [closed]
I am new to this tool and I am required to build a release pipeline for my environment which works with Nuget and .NET core app services. Before starting, I need to ask the list of requirements from my...
View ArticleCould not find file 'bin\Antlr3.Runtime.pdb' Error when creating deployment...
I'm getting the following error when tried to create deployment package."Copying file bin\Antlr3.Runtime.pdb to obj\Release\AspnetCompileMerge\Source\bin\Antlr3.Runtime.pdb failed. Could not find file...
View ArticleCommand Line Parser Library - Boolean Parameter
I try to pass a boolean parameter to a console application and process the value with the Command Line Parser Library.[Option('c', "closeWindow", Required = true, HelpText = "Close the window.")]...
View ArticleRecent visual studio versions won't fetch old nuget packages
I have a C# solution that currently runs perfectly with Visual Studio 2013 but fails to build when a recent version (say 2017 or 2019) is used. It complains that it can't find some DLLs. The DLLs being...
View ArticleDoes nuget push to Azure DevOps artifact include symbols?
I have a class library that I often need to debug/step-into that I distribute and use as a nuget package to Azure DevOps Artifacts feed. To create the package, I run the following commands using...
View ArticleHow to specify commit and branch in csproj for nuget package creation
So currently you could configure the branch and commit a .nuspec (see reference):<repository type="git" url="" branch="dev"...
View ArticleThe type or namespace name 'DbContext' could not be found in NetStandard Class
Visual Studio 2017.I create a separate Class Library (.Net Standard) Project. Go to Manage NuGet Packages and look for Entity Framework, find it and install it (6.4). Add a class to this project with...
View ArticleNuget Upgrade Automation
I want to upgrade a project package nuget to specific version by command or script so I can automate project upgrade without using visual studio. this can help for the automation in devops pipeline. I...
View ArticleSearch Nuget packages programmatically by partial name match
I've already figured out how to search and download Nuget packages using this guide. But I can only search by exact package name, while I want to search packages by partial name match like I do in...
View ArticleNuget packages vs 2015
Getting error in vs2015 with Nuget packages while restructuring solution. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing...
View ArticleWhy is nuget not adding my file? netcoreapp2.2
I have this nuspec file:<?xml version="1.0"?> <package xmlns=""> <metadata> <id>test</id>...
View ArticleHow to use NuGet package Pandoc.Windows
I want to convert Latex file into docx file using Pandoc. It is possible using command prompt but I want to do same thing using NuGet package "Pandoc.Windows". I have already added it in code but while...
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