Channel: Active questions tagged nuget-package - Stack Overflow
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Could not list NuGet packages in Visual Studio 2017 when using Artifactory...

I have successfully published a Nuget package to Artifactory Nuget repository, but I got some problems as below:The package doesn't show up in Visual Studio 2017 Nuget Package ManagerThe Artifactoy...

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Visual Studio 2015 Error. The default XML namespace of the project must be...

(Let me preface the question with Yes, I have seen similar questions, but not exactly my scenario.)My environment isMicrosoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 (version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3)My actionsI...

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Why can't I see the current path in the pormpt of the Visual Studio Package...

Id like to use that instead of having to open a new cmd prompt but I want to see the current path instead of 'PM>'

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Created a NuGet pipeline in azure devops

I have created a NuGet pipeline as my build pipeline in my Azure devops. AM getting some error while building the pipeline

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Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Optimization, Version=,...

I keep getting this error although I already installed the nuget packet for Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization... Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Optimization, Version=,...

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Trying to install microsoft.aspnet.web.optimization in ASP.NET MVC project...

I am trying to install microsoft.aspnet.web.optimization in an ASP.NET MVC project, but I'm getting this error:Install-Package: An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'Dapper.1.60.6'...

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Own Nuget Server - The V2 feed at '' returned an unexpected status code '404...

I created my own Nuget Server following the documentation and I got it, but I cannot access the packages from Visual Studio 2019 Community Nuget Package Manager.So, when I do it through a browser I get...

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Controlling link order of libraries with NuGet packages in VisualStudio

I am building a C++ project with a locally supplied .lib and some NuGet libraries on Visual Studio 2019.However the Nuget libraries always get linked first, and I need the local .lib to go first so the...

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the file @(ReferenceCopyLocalPath->;...

I am creating a nuget package using the pack command that is in dot net standard and its generating the following error:the file @(ReferenceCopyLocalPath->;...

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How to create a mvc nuget package, that contains logic (controller-like)

I would like to create a nuget package for ASP.NET MVC (and ASP.NET Core MVC) applications. The result should be a package, that you only need to activate via middleware like:app.UseXyz() and that...

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Package created with "mythical" dependency on a lower package/project reference

Some backstory: we have a single solution in a single repo that allows us to publish multiple packages at a time. This is to maintain rapid development instead of having the developer bounce around...

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Manually loading of assemblies and dependencies at runtime (nuget...

I currently have an issue with loading assemblies at runtime using Assembly.LoadFrom(String). While the specified assembly is loaded just fine, referenced third-party assemblies (e.g. nuget packages)...

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NuGet statistics - what does each category actually mean

I am trying to understand what does each line mean at NuGet statistics for a particular package. Understanding these categories is crucial for understanding how is a project/product adopted. For each...

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Increasing awareness of NuGet packages

Are there any ways to promote my NuGet listings?I don't know what the algorithm is that NuGet uses to determine what order search results appear. But I think my stuff is as good or better than some of...

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OpenCvSharp.CvConst class missing?

I am working on a project with OpenCvSharp.I want to port this script to C#:bool patternfound = findChessboardCorners(gray, patternsize, corners, CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH + CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE +...

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Nuget Package - feed (VSTS) :Exception 'System.AggregateException' thrown...

I have created a new feed with in Package Release hub (VSTS), installed the credentials, then added the package source. Now, I am using Visual Studio 2015 to install Micrososft.Aspnet.mvc to a project,...

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Correct way to consume Home Grown Nuget Packages with Visual Studio

I'm currently working on a home grown .Net Core project. A developer in another division has created a NuGet package that has a lot of core functionality. I was instructed that I should consume the...

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CMake and MsVS-NuGet

I'm currently developing a desktop application, using the C++ REST SDK (codename Casablanca), Qt5 and some other libraries.For the project setup, I use CMake.How to get CMake to install NuGet...

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The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path

I am developing a ASP.NET website in visual studio 2015. I am trying to install one NuGet package but getting The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path exception. I tried...

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How to use hangfire in .net core with mongodb?

I want to use Hangfire for background jobs in registration form process,But I am unable to find Startup.cs file code for Hangfire.mongo.

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