What is the difference between "Managing Nuget Packages" at the solution...
I currently have a Nuget Package (MediatR) at the Solution Level (via Manage Nuget Packages for Solution). I have a project that needs that package. Do I need to install it also at the Project level?...
View ArticleAutomatically check for newest NuGet package versions in solution ( Visual...
Exists any "tool" / Plugin or hack to automatically check for newest NuGet package versions in a solution?Thanks in advance :)
View ArticlePack a .net standard 2.0 nuget package with local dll`s references and local...
I have a .net standard 2.0 class library project with the following setup:At the solution root folder (the .sln file location) I have a nuget package (Which also hasother nuget dependencies) a...
View ArticleShould dll developed as Nuget be placed in separate repository for internal...
I was developing an ASP.Net Core Web Api together with dlls specyfic to the domain. I have also developed a dll which turned out to be the one that can be shared across organization as NuGet dll. I...
View Articlecould not load file or assembly the located assembly's manifest definition...
I updated our WebView2 version to the latest but I have one project still complaining about missing the old version assembly. My solution builds fine, but complains when I attempt to debug it.I've...
View ArticleHow do I navigate in loaded module in nuget package w/ loaded symbols?
My application has a dependency of a nuget package I'm building locally in my machine. This nuget package contains a managed dll, its PDB and the source code indexed.I'm already able to step into that...
View ArticleConfiguring automatic versioning for dependent NuGet packages
My situation is as follows. I'm maintaining a reusable codebase in the form of multiple NuGet packages that are dependent on eachother. To simplify, let's say I have the following two...
View ArticlePackages from csproj does not show up in References node in VS
I have the following lines in MessagingQueue.csproj<ItemGroup><PackageReference Include="AsyncIO.Repacked" Version="0.1.26" /><PackageReference Include="NetMQ.Repacked" Version="4.0.0"...
View ArticleScreenshotting a website that requires a login with Freezer c#
I'm trying to screenshot a website that requires a login using the .NET library freezer: https://github.com/haga-rak/Freezer/wikiUsing below code, I'm able to get a screenshot of any URL I enter public...
View ArticleNuGet.targets error : '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character...
after upgrade to .Net Core 2.1.1 I got this error: C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.301\NuGet.targets(114,5): error : An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'System.IO.4.3.0' from...
View ArticlePackage is not found in the following primary source
I have a build pipeline set up to create Nuget packages and publish them to a feed in artifacts.I was able to use the feed successfully.However when I ran the pipeline again, causing the packages to...
View ArticleDownloading reference-only NuGet packages using the dotnet CLI on macOS, in a...
I'm a beginner to C#, working on macOS at the CLI. (I do not have access to IDEs for everyday development; I can use one occasionally for a one-off command, but that's it.)I'm attempting to add the...
View ArticleHow can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?
I can clear my development computer's NuGet package cache using Visual Studio menu Tools→ Options→ NuGet Package Manager→ General: Clear Package Cache button.I would like to do this on the command...
View ArticlePackage uses root namespace that is one of my main class names
I'm using IronPython for my project. The setup is following:Project.Main - MyProject.Python - IronPython packageProject.Main has a class called Community that is one of the main classes. It is used...
View ArticleAzure DevOps missing Type or namespaces
Using a basic pipeline. It is failing due to missing types or namespaces. I have spent considerable time investigating. Not sure what I'm missing. I am receiving these type of errors:Error BC30002:...
View ArticleHow can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?
I can clear my development computer's NuGet package cache using Visual Studio menu Tools→ Options→ NuGet Package Manager→ General: Clear Package Cache button.I would like to do this on the command...
View ArticleNuGet Package Source limited to specific author
Is it possible to configure a NuGet source to only allow pulling of packages from a specific root author ?My specific use-case :Visual StudioNuGet Package ManagerMicrosoft packages onlyYou might be...
View ArticleWhat does PrivateAssets='All' mean?
When I build my .NET Core (NETStandard v2.0) project I am getting the following warning:ViewModels: [FodyPackageReference] Fody: The package reference for PropertyChanged.Fodydoes not contain...
View ArticleWay to mark Nuget-Package als Deprecated in a local repository
I´ve seen that there is a way to mark packages as deprecated on nuget.org (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/nuget/deprecating-packages-on-nuget-org/).Unfortunally I don't push my packages to nuget.org...
View ArticleInherit NuGet package from another project in the solution
I am trying to have a centralised single project in my solution which references NUnit (called NUnitHelper). Within this project I will add my own wrappers to some NUnit classes and Attributes.What I...
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