How to change the location of 'obj' folder in PackageReference
I'm using VisualStudio 2019 CE and migrated my .Net project from packages.config to PackageReference.Now is it possible to change the path of the generated obj folder?Note: I'm not talking about...
View ArticleIssues with creating NuGet packages, requires other packages to be downloaded
I am not sure why this is happening, but it's driving me nuts. We created a local NuGet package, inside this project we are doing some JSON modifying. Then when it's done, it returns a .NET class.The...
View Articlebuild project without runtimes folder but included nuget packages in...
I'm developing plugin for nopcommerce,I'm using VS 2019 and nopcommerce 4.40.4(.net 5)I should use a nuget package in my plugin,If I set CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies to true, when I build my project, it...
View ArticleIs there anyway to get reports and charts using .NET Core Windows Application?
Can someone please let me know that how I can get reports using MySql database and .NET Core 3.1 C# Windows Application. Is there any NuGet Packages to get Chart and report viewer controls which can...
View ArticleNuGet dependency files copied in build output directory when targeting .NET...
I made a NuGet package, Askaiser.Marionette, that targets .NET Standard 2.0/2.1 and .NET 5.Two of its dependencies are OpenCvSharp4 and (native OpenCV bindings for Windows...
View ArticleNuget install: Is there way to pass credentials or key with this command?
I am trying to execute the below commandnuget install <package name> -DirectDownload -version <version number> -OutputDirectory <local_path>since its a private Jfrog artrifactory, how...
View ArticleHow to pass installation arguments directly to an MSI installer (like...
I want to pass custom arguments directly to the MSI installer. I have tried adding those arguments in the silentArgs but when I do that, after I run choco install I get the following (and after that...
View ArticleEntity Framework not shown in nuget in Visual Studio 2019 [duplicate]
I started to learn Entity Framework. I created a console application in Visual Studio 2019 and I try to install Entity Framework from Nuget Package Manager:*but Entity Framework is not showing up in...
View ArticleEntity Framework not shown in nuget packet manager in Visual Studio 2019...
I started to learn Entity Framework. I created a console application in Visual Studio 2019 and I try to install Entity Framework from Nuget Package Manager:*but Entity Framework is not showing up in...
View ArticleUnable to add reference to installed NuGet package?
I created a NuGet package and I was able to successfully install it in another .NET solution. But I'm not able to add a reference to the NuGet package from the other .NET solution.For example, the...
View ArticleGet dotnet pack excuted full name path and nuget push in post-build event
I want to build my dll, and use dotnet pack to generate *.nupkg file. Then use nuget push to publish my dll.dotnet pack --no-buildnuget setapikey xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx -source...
View Article.NET Core Bootstrap breaks BuildBundlerMInifier
I'm using the BuildBundlerMinifier Nuget package in a .NET Core 2.1 application.When trying to add bootstrap.js to the BundleConfig, sitebundle.min.js file gets deleted. If I remove bootstrap.js from...
View ArticleHow to create a nuget package from DLLs after obfuscating them
Hi I have a class Library project I built it DLLs and I apply obfuscation on the DLLs using a software, after that I got new obfuscated now my question is how can I create nuget package just...
View ArticleHow to consume a .net nuget package in a Powershell module?
We have a .net Nuget package stored on a private Nuget server that contains 2 .dll files. We would like to reference this Nuget package and copy the .dlls as part of our Powershell Module release.Is...
View ArticleSystem.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException - Wrong package version
i got folowing error when i install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client:"Initializing plugins failed. [{ Type: "FileNotFoundException",Message: "Die Datei oder Assembly...
View ArticleHow to read appsettings.json of parent projetc inside a Nuget Package project?
I'm creating an application that will be a Nuget Package. Let's say the name of this application is MyPackage.I'll install this package in another project. Let's say this project's name is...
View ArticleIs it possible to register an Azure Function from an external package?
Our team currently has multiple projects that use common Nuget packages for shared functionality. Is it possible to create a function endpoint within a package and then register it from Startup.cs?I...
View ArticleMigrating from nuspec to msbuild for nuget packaging
What is the equivalent property to use in msbuild for for migrating from nuspec to msbuild for creating nuget package.
View Articlewhat are the solutions for packages download error
cannot download MySql.Data nuget package as it requires .netframework of version 4.5.2 and after I changed visual studio version to 4.5.2 the package still couldn't be downloaded displaying that it...
View ArticleCan't install "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.Dotnet" in ASP.NET Core
I have a Class Library named DataLayer and wanted to install some nuget packages to it.I have successfully installed the packages below:Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore (version...
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