Channel: Active questions tagged nuget-package - Stack Overflow
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NET CLI tool contains deps.json with development dependency (GitVersion.MsBuild)

I'm working on a .NET cli tool. The created nuget package contains a deps.json. This deps.json file contains entries for all referenced nuget packages.After installing the tool dotnet tool install.. I...

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Create nuget package that references referenced .dlls without using .nuspec

Problem: Top level project references MyLibrary nuget which references several vendor.dll files. Vendor.dll files should be able to be referenced by top level project when MyLibrary nuget package is...

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Nuget Package Manager for Visual Studio 2012 not opening at all

I have been trying to find a solution for this since almost 3 days, but i'm stuck and cant figure out why the Nugetpackagemanager is just not opening, it does not even give any error.Things i have...

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Package SharePoint.Client.Runtime 15.0.0 is not compatible with netcoreapp3.1

I am trying to use C# in Visual Studio to write to a SharePoint List . So I tried to install the Nuget Package called SharePoint.Client.RuntimeI am getting the error message below. Severity Code...

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How do I create a nuget package that contains entity objects and migration files

I've been searching for this on Google and I always get the wrong results. Here is my situation:I want to create a nuget package that has entity framework objects, migration files, and a data layer. I...

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Packages are missing when Xamarin commit-push to github

i have cloned a repository from GitHub then run it. Works fine!Then i had to commit-push this working project to a new repository. When i committed to a new repository, packages folder is missing (i...

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Nuget offline packages with dependencies ubuntu

I need to download nuget packages from ubuntu to Windows, for offline download, which means all dependencies for a package should be download as well.To use nuget:sudo apt-get install mono-completewget...

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3rd party Nuget package developers should target which `AspNetCore` package...

I have a question described in the title.In more details: I'm working on a set of Blazor Components. It has many projects each packaged and published as Nuget packages. But of course all projects...

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Nuget offline packages with dependencies ubuntu

I need to download nuget packages from ubuntu to Windows, for offline download, which means all dependencies for a package should be download as well.To use nuget:sudo apt-get install mono-completewget...

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Add configuration to appsettings.json with nuget package

I have created a nuget package where I am in need of adding a section to appsettings.json, or add my own configuration file that is copied into the application, but I am unable to figure out how. I...

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Determining if a PDF File with Cloud File path is Password protected or Not...

I am Using DotNetZip (from NuGet Package). This will normally work for a File path having ("@C:) but once if use the Cloud File Path like (https:) it is giving me IBM437 error.I can use this package...

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NuGet Package with managed wrapper dll that references bit-ted native dlls

Need some help making a NuGet package.We have a 3rd party C# managed dll (call it 'Managed.dll') that somehow uses/references/wraps 3rd party x86 and x64 native dlls (call them both 'Unmanaged.dll')...

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Debug MSBuildTask from nuget package

I have a NuGet package installed that has a custom MSBuildTask. I want to debug the MSBuildTask. It has a function to sync some .po files and there is a problem.Is it possible to debug this...

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Nuget Packages dependencies issue

I'm having trouble of dependencies in a chain of NuGet projects (Visual Studio 2019 and NuGet first project, include Log4Net NuGet package from NuGet.org, I package it with "nuget.exe...

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How to create nuget package of .zip file

I have a .zip file which contains 3 directory(folder) inside this.Now I want to create a nuget package for this .zip file so that I can use this into my git repo.I know basic way to create nuget...

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Include debug symbols for an Azure Feed DLL package

We have a C# class library that's been published to Azure DevOps as a *.nupkg package feed. We've used this command to create the package:nuget pack SomeProject.csproj -build -properties...

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How to specify an API Key when publishing to a private nuget source in Azure...

I am trying to publish a NuGet package to a NuGet feed I created in Azure Devops. I have experience in doing these kind of things (I published on NuGet.org) but for some reason I do not understand, it...

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Xamarin compile issues

I'm experiencing alot of errors on a big project i've been working on for quite a while now. Out of nowhere, my VS2017 doesn't recognise any xamarin references.The project compiled flawlessly a couple...

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How can you resolve a nuget package error?

I have a project and I'm using Git Extensions to revert back to my older project.On my newer program, I have that Inductotherm Globalization package/reference installed, but on my older program, it was...

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How to install fontawesome.sharp icons in Visual Studio 2015, I'm building a...

I'm building a windows form in Visual Studio 2015, I'm trying to add font-awesome.sharp tools in my project. I've installed font-awesome.sharp using NuGet package manager but it doesn't add it to my...

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