.NET 5 API Docker with internal NuGet package not found
I'm trying to setup a real basic .net 5.0 API in Docker. I'm completely new to Docker so for the most part, I think I have what is needed, but I ran into a snag. I am using an internal NuGet package. I...
View ArticleUmbraco Contentment Datalists - using 2 together and updating one on change...
In Umbraco 8 I'm using 2 Contentment datalists (from the Contentment Nuget package) in the back office Member profile, they work fine however is there a way to update the datasource of one of the...
View ArticleCan't use Windows Runtime APIs with .NETCore desktop app
I'm having troubles using the Windows Runtime APIs in my desktop app. I want to check package details in code and add Windows 10 notification cards.I have the package Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts...
View ArticleNothing to do. None of the projects specified contain packages to restore
I have a web app in dot net along with other projects. when i open the .sln file and publish the web project, it does. But, when I try to publish the web proj using command line and .csproj, it gives...
View ArticleUnauthorized nuget package from Visual Studio Team Services using asp.net...
I am unable to install/restore nuget packages from a Visual Studio Team Services feed in an asp.net core web application (RC2). I receive the following:error: Response status code does not indicate...
View ArticleNuget Package's dll.config Cannot Be Found after Upgrading to .net core 3.1
I am using this nuget package Identity.MSA.Toolkit. When the project was in .net core 2.2, it is running fine. But when it is upgraded to .net core 3.1, it shows error ofSystem.IO.FileNotFoundException...
View ArticleHow do you get the latest version number for a nuget package from the GitHub...
How do you get the latest version number for a nuget package from the GitHub REST API?I need this as part of my build script so I don't need to keep manually increment the version in my build file...
View ArticleNuGet not restoring packages on build
I have just created a workspace on a new machine, got latest of our project from TFS, enabled NuGet Restore, and I get the following (skimmed-down) output:1>------ Rebuild All started: Project:...
View ArticleHow do I do a deterministic build locally (ContinuousIntegrationBuild flag)?
When I attempt to publish my package using NuGet Package Explorer, I see the following warning:Deterministic (dll/exe): Non deterministicEnsure that the following property is enabled for CI buildsand...
View ArticleChange nuget package location in Linqpad
I am trying to install the Active Directory Authentication Library in Linqpad Nuget manager and I am getting the path/location too long message:I have attempted to change the install location by adding...
View Articlecan not update-database from NuGet package manager
I create database code first with migrations and remembered I need Change some Variable from int to string I do this but when I want update database from NuGet package manager I faced this errorIn...
View ArticleHow to configure my packages or NuGet itself to automatically resolve...
I have seen some similar questions here on StackOverflow and somes issues on GitHub concerning my problem. These are a bit different and quite old. None of the solutions worked for me or don't work...
View Articlehow to install Newtonsoft.Json from winform
VS2017. I have a winform application, and need to use the Newtonsoft.Json package.I go to the “Manage Nuget Packages”, entered Json in the search, but nothing is found.As contrast, if I create a web...
View ArticleNuget package publish is publishing lower versions intermittently
I am trying to publish Nugets to my Nuget server that are to be used in my application. But when I see the version that it's publishing, sometimes it's lower than the latest version on the server...
View Articlecan connect to database with Npgsql 2.2.7 and npgsql.entityframwoek but cant...
im getting "connection is not open" error when i tried to upgrade the nuget package of Npgsql from 2.2.7 to 5.0.3, i even updated the Npgsql.entityFramework 2.2.7 tp Npgsql.entityframework6 6.4.1....
View ArticleError building project - unable to find assemblies in the package folder
I have loaded a solution developed in a older visual studio version in my local visual studio 2017. There are many reference to external dlls. When I compile the solution I get error as below despite...
View ArticleUnable to restore UnitTestFramework.dll
Im having problems with restoring the package Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll from Visual Studio 2019. I tried each and every advice out there that I found. Cleared cache,...
View ArticleNuget Package Manager not displaying package info in VS2019
My NuGet package "MyTestPackage" is installed in a C# project in Visual Studio 2019. When I view it via the NuGet Package Manager, it does not display the package info in the pane on the right.I have...
View ArticleImageFromXamarinUI - produces blank file
I have a Xamarin.Forms / Android app that displays graphics in an OpenGLView.I'm trying to use the NuGet "ImageFromXamarinUI" to capture an instantaneous screenshot of the graphics at a point in time,...
View ArticleCreate nuget package for a solution with multiple projects
We are currently building a solution with several projects.We have something like this:- Common - Logging - Logging.NLog- ThreadingSo Logging.NLog is dependant on Logging, Logging on Common...etc.When...
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