Embedding debugging symbols in nuget does not work
I am making a Nuget package and would like the devs that use it to be able to step through it during debug.I've heard of "symbol packages" but from the little I know it seems complicated, both for me...
View ArticleASP.NET Nuget version error when deploying to Heroku
When I deploy to Heroku, I get an error stating that my Nuget version is not up to date. When I checked my Nuget version from the command line, it was, and I don't have Microsoft.ClearScript.V8...
View ArticleError adding package 'Microsoft.CSharp' to project [closed]
Hi everyone i' using visual studio code I'm trying to install 'Microsoft.CSharp' in power shell but I get this error: Erreur lors de l'ajout du package 'Microsoft.CSharp' au projet ''. Le projet ne...
View ArticleVisual Studio for Mac not finding Telerik nuget packages
I cloned a Xamarin project to the mac machine, but I keep getting build errors that the package of Telerik.Ui.For.Xamarin.(PackageName) could not be found. No packages exist with this id in sources.Now...
View ArticleGenerate Packages.Props for solution ( central management of NuGet package...
Does any utility exist, which generates packages.props from the list of installed NuGet packages for that solution.Is the only option to add manually these references...
View ArticleUnauthorized nuget package from Visual Studio Team Services using asp.net...
I am unable to install/restore nuget packages from a Visual Studio Team Services feed in an asp.net core web application (RC2). I receive the following:error: Response status code does not indicate...
View ArticleHow to manage Nuget package dependency version with project references from a...
I have a simple project dependency structure:project A references project BOn my build server, both projects are built as Nuget packages: package A and package B.In project B, I have the package...
View ArticleCreate Nuget Package compatible with x86 and x64
I have a third party library whitch consist onReference Library (different for x86 and x64)Native Library (also different for x86 and x64)I have extended this library and I want to create a nugget...
View ArticleCannot upload snupkg to artifactory, using nuget push
I am trying to upload my *.snupkg file to artifactory.Manually, this works through the website, but when I try to push with nuget push it doesn't work and also doesn't give any responsenuget push...
View Articlehow to configure the powershell version used by the package manager console...
I'm on Windows 11 Pro and I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Version 17.2.5.The package manager console is using Powershell version 5 and I have version 7 installed on my computer, is is possible...
View ArticleNo changes after using Migrate to AndroidX option
I am trying to Migrate our app to AndroidX."Migrate to AndroidX" option is not migrating the support packages to AndroidX.No changes found in packages.config.Can anyone help me on this or Am I missing...
View ArticleHow do I make my library work with using-directive?
I created a class library with .Net 6.0 which looks like this:namespace MyLib{ public static class MyLib { public static void someFunction() { } }}I created a nuget package and added that package to...
View ArticleInstall a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code
How can I install a Nuget Package in Visual Studio Code? I know in Visual Studio, we can do this through the Nuget Package Manager console, but how do I do it in VS Code?
View ArticleC# referenced component 'UiaComWrapper' not found
When I tried to rebuild solution in my C# project in visual studio, following reference component warning came:The referenced component 'UiaComWrapper' could not be found. Testing
View ArticleXamarin.Mac NuGet package for WebRTC
I am currently using Frozen Mountain IceLink in my Xamarin.Mac application but as they no longer support it, I am trying to find an alternative. Are there any WebRTC alternative NuGet packages? The...
View Articleazure functions with nuget packages that have different versions of the same...
I am writing an Azure Function that is using 2 nuget packages (A and B) from my private feed. Package A uses Dapper version 1.50.2 directly and package B uses Dapper.SimpleCrud 1.13.0 which has a...
View ArticleImpossible to migrate the "System.Directory.Services.Protocols" dll from...
I have a project that uses the "System.Directory.Services.Protocols" dll which is in version 4.0 and references the framework:C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference...
View ArticleVisual Studio - Nuget - Unable to load the service index for source
This is my NuGet.config : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration><packageSources><add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3"...
View ArticleUnable to publish nuget package - github actions
I've built a github action to push my nuget package to github registry based on github docs. When it runs it compiles well but on push it runs to the following error.Pushing XXXXX.1.0.0.nupkg to...
View ArticleNothing to do. None of the projects specified contain packages to restore
I have a web app in dot net along with other projects. when i open the .sln file and publish the web project, it does. But, when I try to publish the web proj using command line and .csproj, it gives...
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