Can't use WpfAnimatedGif nuget package [duplicate]
I'm trying to make a WPF project that use nuget package of "WpfAnimatedGif" ( in order to make a window background gif.But for some reason, i can't use...
View ArticleErrorCS0234 The type or namespace name 'CSharp' does not exist in the...
I was about to try to make runtime scripting in UI in Unity and after adding all Microsoft.CodeAnalysis and Roslyn.Compilers packages my code still isn't compiling, saying "Error CS0234 The type or...
View ArticleHow to create a Nuget Package in ADO Pipeline
Using the Classic DevOps, I am trying to create a NuGet package out of one of our code libraries.I am Using NuGet version 5.9.1I am able to do a NuGet restore of the 'Newtonsoft.Json.13.0.1.nupkg'...
View ArticleCan't install nuget packages
I get an error message while installing nuget packages. How to fix it. Any help is much appreciatedInstall-Package : Unable to load the service index for source
View ArticleAdd NuGet package That's not available from NuGet to GitLab (From Visual Studio)
We have a build pipeline for a SharePoint Provider Hosted App using GitLab...we've just moved from DevOps ...however one of the packages is not available on NuGet so the build is...
View ArticleCMake and MsVS-NuGet
I'm currently developing a desktop application, using the C++ REST SDK (codename Casablanca), Qt5 and some other libraries.For the project setup, I use CMake.How to get CMake to install NuGet...
View ArticleAzure feed: nuget package is not found
I have 2 solutions (2 .NET Core projects), the first one represents just the models and some simple services for public use, like email service, etc.It's uploaded to Azure as nuget package and there is...
View ArticleNuget : Additional computed target framework(s)
In, when you check any package there are 2 types of framework.What is the difference between Compatible target framework and additional computed target framework?
View ArticleOffline Nuget Packages
I need to install Nuget Package ProductionStackTrace, so I use the following commandPM> Install-Package ProductionStackTraceBut when I execute this command I get the following errorThe source at...
View ArticleMT0136: Cannot find the assembly in Xamarin.ios build time
I created an added a nuget package to my xamarin.ios project. but im getting the following build errorwarning MT0136: Cannot find the assembly 'MeasureLrngth,Version=1.0.8179.36735, Culture=neutral,...
View ArticleControl nuspec include/exclude with MSBuild pack target
I have the following project file:<Project...
View ArticleASP.NET Core Web API - How to resolve Detected package version outside of...
In my ASP.NET Core-6 Web API, as I tried to install:Install-Package AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection -Version 11.0.0through the Nugget package, I got this error:Detected package...
View ArticleHow to Sync NuGet Packages Across Multiple Shared Projects & Solutions?
What is the proper technique for keeping NuGet packages in sync across multiple shared projects and solutions within Visual Studio? We share 200+ projects across multiple solutions. Each TRACK has a...
View ArticleMass Transit and .NetFramework 4.7.2
I want to add MassTransit 7.2.2 to my desktop application targetting .NET Framework v4.7.2 (Nuget package) - but I get this error message :Impossible d’installer le package « MassTransit 7.2.2 ». Vous...
View ArticleUse a specific version of a nuget package while coding but versionspec in...
I have the following problemDuring development of a net core package MyPackageA I want to use a nuget package MyPackageB 1.1.1234 but the package itself should be compatible with MyPackageB >= 1.1...
View ArticleShould we load documents in group docs viewer site before viewing
How to use Group Docs viewer library for my application. Do we need to upload the documents in their site for viewing the files. Or we can use the library locally. I need to know how it works when we...
View ArticleCPack NuGet native library
I struggle to create a NuGet package from a native C++ library. For now, I have the following setup:include(GNUInstallDirs)file(RELATIVE_PATH relDir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}...
View ArticleZipFile Class not recognised by visual studio
I am trying to use ZipFile.OpenRead() but the thing is no matter how much i try it is not working in the program, whatever nugetpackage or code i use.I tried System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.OpenRead()...
View ArticleBuild NuGet Package automatically including referenced dependencies
I want to run a local/internal NuGet repository. I think I've figured out how to "reuse" existing NuGet packages by including them in a dummy project using NuGet and scanning the package file to grab...
View ArticleVS says "You have 1 deprecated package versions installed", but which one?
Got the yellow rectangle with the following message:You have 1 deprecated package versions installedHow can I find out out which one?So far I've tried:scrolling through my dozens of packages, hoping...
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