How to make my nuget package able to "step in"?
Im releasing a nuget package and I'd like that whoever is using it could step into it as if it was his own code.In order to do that, in the RELEASE configuration (which is the one I use for...
View ArticleWarning ASP5001...
In my ASP.NET Core-6 Web API, I installed this NuGet package:<PackageReference Include="microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.versioning.apiexplorer" Version="5.0.0" />using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;using...
View ArticleAutomatically update .nupec file with dependencies
I've created a nuget package that is used by another project.My package references Microsoft.Identity.Web version 1.23.1. When I pull this package into the project where I want to you use it, I don't...
View ArticleInstall .NuPKG on VS 2017
I have seen 4+ different answers, some of which say "But doesn't work on VS 2017" (which I have).Sshould be straightforwad, but nothing is.I have FluentFTP.NuPKG sitting in a local folder on...
View ArticleVisual Studio Nuget Update - Access denied to...
Hi currently getting the above error when trying to restore or update packages via Nuget on VS2019 16.8.2.The project was built on anothe rmachine then moved to a new machice, and im guessing its a...
View ArticleCompile error after adding .net6 nuget packages to .net6 project
I have Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1.6, .net Sdk version 6.0.202, moreover I have several other .net versions installed including core 3.1.0, 3.1.22, 3.1.24, I reparired the installation of all of...
View ArticleSystem.IO.ports works in Unity but not in build
I threw together a little application in Unity which needs to access a serial port. Since Unity does not include System.IO.Ports I installed the NugetPackage with NugetForUnity. Everything works fine...
View ArticleCan someone explain the use of Autofindviews nuget in Xamarin Android?
What is the use of Autofindviews nuget in Xamarin.Android project?I have seen few references saying it creates autogenerated code of layout files.Is that nuget still in use. if so, is it compatible...
View ArticleNuget package installed but references not resolved
I have a multi-project solution with Prism Nuget packages installed in several projects. I then attempted to add a Prism Mef extensions package to one of the projects using the Nuget Package Manager UI...
View ArticleNuget Package issues
New to using nuget and packages, my csproj file for a project has it looking for the package at..\..\..\..\Packages\Portable.BouncyCastle.1.8.10\lib\net40\BouncyCastle.Crypto.dllWhich is correct I want...
View Articlehow to override a dependent assembly
I have a class library ( .net framework 4.7.2) that has a nuget package Microsoft.Azure.DataLake.Store which has a dependent assembly of Newtonsoft.Json (>= 6.0.8)I want to use Newtonsoft.Json...
View ArticleInstall Nuget-Dependency with package created over .nuspec file
I'm trying to create a NuGet-Package from several thrird-party library files. One of these files have a dependency to System.Drawing.Common. So I tried to add this as a dependency into my .nuspec...
View ArticleVisual Studio Nuget packages
Am trying to get nuget packages into my visual studio project.NuGet Package manager is not package source of ''... just show Ms VS offline packages. Is there any setting?
View ArticleLoading Assemblies from NuGet Packages
Sometimes in my PowerShell scripts, I need access to a specific DLL, using Add-Type -AssemblyName. However, the DLLs I need aren't always on the machine or in the GAC. For instance, I might want a...
View ArticleEmbedding debugging symbols in nuget does not work
I am making a Nuget package and would like the devs that use it to be able to step through it during debug.I've heard of "symbol packages" but from the little I know it seems complicated, both for me...
View ArticleCannot uninstall entityframework package from mvc project
While trying to uninstall Entityframework in Package Manager Console by typing uninstall-package Entityframework, following error is showing up:uninstall-package : Unable to uninstall...
View ArticleCreate / Generate pdf with package nuggets PDFSharp in Xamarin.Forms
I would like to create a pdf with my values stored in a binding. I saw that there is a package nuggets PDFSharp, but I don't know how to use it.I would like to put in this pdf a ListViewThanks for your...
View ArticlePublishing WPF application fails du to unauthorized .NuGet service index...
I want to publish one of my WPF applications (to a folder).The app needs some NuGet packages that I published via Azure Devops. I signed in with Visual Studio with exactly the same account I use also...
View Articlenuget nuspec causes package reference not assembly reference in consuming...
When consuming a NuGet package in a framework 4.8 project, nuget modifies the csproj to refer to assemblies such as System.Io as packages, rather than as assembly references. This causes problems.For...
View ArticleNuGet.config configuration in such away that it would create the packages...
Here is info about our technical development environment :-Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019-.Net Core 3.1-DevExpress v21.2.6 platformPostgreSQL 14.2, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914,...
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