NuGet package change to specific Major/Minor but latest patch
I have a scenario where I need a way from the command line to change the version of NuGet package a specific major and minor version but the latest patch version.i.e if I had the following...
View Articleavoid installation of NuGet Packages
Hi to all I want ask that I am running project and it depend upon two Nuget packages that are:• Microsoft.Web.WebView2• Microsoft. Windows. Implementation Librarybut every time I need to uninstall and...
View ArticlePowershell gallery nuget api version 3 end point
Microsoft has moved nuget api from v2 to v3. Note: v2 is deprecated.Powershell gallery seems to only have a v2 end point. Does anyone know if there is a v3 endpoint.V2 endpoint ->...
View ArticleUse itext7 with powershell
I'm trying to use itext7 with PowerShell but I'm getting error, when the dlls try to load I get the error:"Unable to load the 'path' file or assembly or any of its dependencies. The operation is not...
View ArticlePackage 'dotnet-sonarscanner 5.0.4' has a package type 'DotnetTool' that is...
There is a total of 6 projects in a solution. dotnet-sonarscanner package is only working in 4 of them.I am getting the following error that this package is not supported by the project...
View ArticleHow to publish ChromeDriver.exe to drop location when using Floating Version...
Trying to have the latest version of ChromeDriver without having to always update the Nuget: Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver in drop folder.For this we used the floating variable: "*" for version as...
View ArticleHow do I automatically install a nuget package from a roslyn code fixer
I try to add a nuget package reference automatically to a visual studio project if needed, with the help of a roslyn code fixer.Since the "CodeFixProvider" is not a...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe - when...
I add an entity framework project to a solution and reference it to the existing project(referencing the project throws errors because the existing project have .NET Framework and the entity framework...
View Articledotnet restore with private nuget server fails in docker-compose
The dotnet restore step is failing only from docker-compose, and only when I use a private nuget server in addition to the public server. It seems to be looking on my private server for public...
View ArticleHow to use github nuget packages on Visual Studio 2019
I try to learn Github action and packages. So, I create a sample nuget package and successfully created. However I could not use it.I follow this step;Options > Nuget Package Manager > Package...
View ArticleWhere does my VS solution reference this nuget?
I am using VS2019. where the heck can i find where I reference this nuget ?I see this in nuget restore in devops :2022-03-16T21:32:05.5078243Z GET...
View ArticleThe term 'Update-Database' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet-Visual...
firtst of all I know there is already a post with the same title but none of the solutions provided there helped me. Besides that post is really old and the VS versions are totally different, so I...
View ArticleCan't Install Microsoft.EntityFramworkCore.Sqlserver
I am using visual studio 2022 IDE and Despite sevral attempt I was not able to install the package"Microsoft.EntityFramworkCore.Sqlserver".here are my settingsPackage SourcesGeneraland here is the...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly...
I have searched google for this and could not find the solution to the problem.My Website references DAL (custom dll) which references Enterprise Library Data Access Components.I have added the...
View ArticleNuget PackageReference fails to manage multiple versions of sub dependency
ContextI have an application which has a dependency graph which looks like...My ApplicationDependency1 v1.0Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions v5.0Dependency2...
View ArticleWarning ASP5001...
In my ASP.NET Core-6 Web API, I installed this NuGet package:<PackageReference Include="microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.versioning.apiexplorer" Version="5.0.0" />using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;using...
View ArticleNuGet package not installing in .NET Framework
I have created .net standard library project and I have created nuget package for this library, Now I need to install this package in both application .Net Core and .Net Framework4.5. Working fine in...
View ArticlePrevent installing my NuGet package to project with unsupported target framrwork
My NuGet Package targets .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.0.The .nuspec looks like:<?xml version="1.0"?><package><metadata> ...<dependencies><group...
View ArticleUsing JFROG artifactory reference with .NET upgrade-assistant
We get all our nuget packages from our internal artifactory (JFrog). Our company disabled We want try to use the .NET upgrade-assistant tool pointing to our local...
View ArticleHow to generate nuget package from Xamarin.iOS binding project?
I have created a Xamarin.iOS binding project by adding UnityFramework.framework as Native References. When I build this binding project it generstes a .dll file. Now I want to generate a Nuget package...
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