Failing to upload .snupkg file: The checksum does not match for the dll(s)...
I have a C# WPF library on NuGet. After publishing a new release (.nupkg file), I wanted to also upload the Symbols package (.snupkg file). But I get The checksum does not match for the dll(s) and...
View ArticlePublishing a NuGet package to an organization feed from yaml pipeline
Having trouble publishing a NuGet package from a yaml pipeline, restore/build/pack all works ok it's just the pushing that is failing and it seems to be related to the Push generating a bad url for the...
View ArticleUnable to find package NETStandard.Library
I tried to add a new Class library(.Net Standard) in Visual studio 2019. But I get this error message:Unable to find package NETStandard.Library. No packages exist withthis id in source(s): Microsoft...
View ArticleFacing npm error installing ng-connection-service in angular
I need to install ng-connection-service in angular but I get this error while trying to install Could not resolve dependency.I have to send this code to azure devops as well so pls let me know how to...
View ArticleConnect to private nuget feed using Nuget.protocol
I'm using a private NuGet feed through Azure DevOps.To see information about a public NuGet package from code, one simply has to follow the documentation here. In particular:var logger =...
View ArticleRestore Nuget package when use are freezing visual studio
Am use <PackageReference Include = "PackageName" Version = "*"/>So everytime I build project I restore latest version. I got above syntax from Use local source code of NuGet package to debug and...
View Article'nuget' is not recognized but other nuget commands working
I am trying to create a nuget package using a reference.My Package Manger...
View ArticleIssue when updating to Visual Studio 2022: nuget packages are not working...
I recently updated my toolchain to Visual Studio 2022 to benefit from the latest and greatest of Microsoft's developer team.Since then, my updated projects are struggling finding the headers from the...
View ArticleGetting error while running the application after updating the nuget package...
I am getting the runtime exception for :"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.BingAds' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signature could not be verified. The assembly may have...
View ArticleHow can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?
I can clear my development computer's NuGet package cache using Visual Studio menu Tools→ Options→ NuGet Package Manager→ General: Clear Package Cache button.I would like to do this on the command...
View ArticleFailed to download package - NuGet Packages - Xamarin forms
I've got this error in my Xamarin Forms project for all the packages installed in it:Failed to download package 'Fody.6.5.1' from...
View ArticleCould not find file 'bin\Antlr3.Runtime.pdb' Error when creating deployment...
I'm getting the following error when tried to create deployment package."Copying file bin\Antlr3.Runtime.pdb to obj\Release\AspnetCompileMerge\Source\bin\Antlr3.Runtime.pdb failed. Could not find file...
View ArticleResourceDictionary as NuGet Package
I'm currently trying to create sort of a XAML "Style collection" which we can use in all of our UI projects, to achieve consistency in our visuals.I've tried creating a class library and added a...
View ArticleAdding a NuGet Package Source that requires credentials with VS2015
I am attempting to setup a NuGet package source that requires credentials.Here are the instructionsI have the latest version of Visual Studio 2015 with everything up to date. I am aware of how to add a...
View ArticleEmbed *.pdb files in managed library with Visual Studio 2022 17.1
The 17.1 update for Visual Studio 2022 recently hit and one of the added functionalities is:When building managed libraries developers can choose to embed their source files with the debug information...
View Articlehow to create nuspec file in specific folder?
I tried to create .nuspec file in a different folder by giving path but it is giving me error Nuget.exe spec ..\MYDEMOFOLDERNuget.exe pack ..\MYDEMOFOLDER\MYPROJECT.csprojpausewant to create...
View ArticleInstall NuGet package from GitHub Package Registry
After a lot of trial and error I eventually got my NuGet package on the Github package registry with the following actions/commands:Go to GitHubClick your avatar (top-right) → Settings → Developer...
View ArticleAdding NuGet server from Azure App Service(NuGet.Server) with AD...
I have created a nuget server project.nuget/hosting-packages/nuget-serverand published it as an Azure App Service. So far, everything has worked fine. I added the server to Visual Studio and pushed...
View ArticleInclude file in NuGet package to be copied on installed project folder (no...
Can a file be packed inside a NuGet package, using Visual Studio, in way that it will be copied inside the target project folder?I added this code in NuGet .csproj<ItemGroup><Content...
View ArticlenugetPackages .netcore 3.0 missing in another machine
I have built a .netcore3.0 project on one machine and then transferred it to another standalone machine.I copied all of the "Nugets" to "programFiles(x86)\Microsoft SDK's\nugetPackages"the .csproj file...
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