Blocked in work with VS 2022 .NET Core 6: "Could not load file or assembly...
I can not use NuGet Package Manager because in the package browse window I got the Error occured message. Clicking "Show errors in output" gives:Could not load file or...
View ArticleHow avoid creating the version of a nuget package if a nuget package with...
I am using .nuke build to compile my .net core libraries and create nuget packages for them.To create a version of packages in there is a convenient function DotNetPack that allows you to...
View ArticleHow to resolve package reference issue in NetStandard 2.0 library used by...
I have this setup:Winforms.exe, Framework 4.8. This references:Client.dll, .Net Standard 2.0 which usesIdentityModel.OidcClient 5.0.0 which usesSystem.Text.JsonSince Client.dll is not .Net Core 5.0, I...
View ArticleUnable to install custom nuget package in VS 2015 however the same nuget...
We recently created a new Azure devops artifact feed and published a nuget package. The installation of this nuget package works fine from VS 2017 solution however it doesn't work with VS 2015.When I...
View Articlehow to get upgrade button to work when upgrading nuget package in VS 2019?
In VS 2019, I want to upgrade System.Text.Encodings.Web from 4.6.0But the 'install' button is greyed out. Any tips?
View ArticleProject references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer
This morning I received the following error when trying to build my Visual Studio ASP.NET solution:This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on thiscomputer. Use NuGet Package Restore...
View ArticleTriggering A Package Version Update In Separate Azure DevOps Repo and Build...
I have two Git repos in Azure DevOps. For the sake of simplicity, let's call them LibRepo and AppRepo. When LibRepo has a pull request completed, the build pipeline is kicked off and a new NuGet...
View ArticleHow to manage Nuget package dependency version with project references from a...
I have a simple project dependency structure:project A references project BOn my build server, both projects are built as Nuget packages: package A and package B.In project B, I have the package...
View ArticleInstall Nuget-Dependency with package created over .nuspec file
I'm trying to create a NuGet-Package from several thrird-party library files. One of these files have a dependency to System.Drawing.Common. So I tried to add this as a dependency into my .nuspec...
View ArticleFiggle Fonts Is Installed But Not Working
I installed Figgle Fonts which lets you turn text into ACSII inside of C# and with more customization, Using NUget, I restarted Visual Studio 2022 but it wont recognize the syntax.The CodeThe Error
View ArticleUpdating package references on multi-targeted projects
I'm looking to use multi-targeting for some common projects that need to compile both to .NET Standard 2.0 (for legacy .NET Framework 4.8 projects) and to .NET 6.0 (for new projects). Some of the...
View ArticleHow to hide a local DLL reference in Analyzer Dependencies and only have just...
I have created 2 custom analyzer using template "Analyzer with Code Fix (.NET Standard)" in VS 2019. Each analyzer has different project, and package project as well. Also I have Common project with...
View ArticleNuget Package - feed (VSTS) :Exception 'System.AggregateException' thrown...
I have created a new feed with in Package Release hub (VSTS), installed the credentials, then added the package source. Now, I am using Visual Studio 2015 to install Micrososft.Aspnet.mvc to a project,...
View ArticleSqlServerValueGenerationStrategy does not exist
Even i thought downloaded Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer version 3.1.15 still keepinigThe name 'SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy' does not exist in the current context...
View ArticleObtain email address from GmailService using C# client API
Gmail API to get profile infoBase on this link, it is possible to get the email address from the authenticated profile.Unfortunately I wasn't able to find how to get this in C# API client.I have tried...
View ArticleNuGet spec command ignoring metadata from project properties
I am generating a NuGet package of a library in .NET Standard 2.0 using Visual Studio 2022.I go to Project properties and edit the project information as shown in the pictures.When i use the command...
View ArticleHow to get document comments in C# packages?
I think this question may already be answered at somewhere, but I cannot find that unfortunatelly. If you know, please teach me the URL.I tried to install C# package via dotnet add,...
View ArticleBuild a image with dotnet core 6 using dockerfile get an error NETSDK1064
I'm tring to build a image with .net core 6, but when command ran to this line :RUN dotnet publish -c release -o /app --no-restoreI got a error:#14 0.629...
View ArticleVisual Studio Code offline package installation
Is there any possibility to install offline NuGet package from visual studio code without internet connectionI have tried following command but invainPS C:\Users\vscode> Install-Package svcutil...
View ArticleBuild Error after Upgrading
My project uses .net framework 4.8. After upgrading from version 1.0.24 to 3.0.1, the build on my local machine works fine, but there are some errors on the build on VSO...
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