Azure Pipelines build error nuget command failed with exit code(1) and...
I have been wrestling with Azure pipelines to build some nuget packages into an artifact feed but I cannot get past the "Nuget Pack" job I have set up for the pipeline. It is failing when trying to...
View ArticleResolving package dependencies in a .NET project
I've got a problem after I added the log4net plugin (Logzio.DotNet.Log4net) to my .NET project:log4net:ERROR Failed to find type [log4net.Layout.SerializedLayout,...
View ArticleCopy C# files into a .NET Core project on nuget package installation
As an example - I would like a Program.cs file with a few default lines added to it:class Program{ // ...}This Program.cs is in a C# project that I pack and upload to DevOps artifacts.I want to then go...
View ArticleInstall NugetPackage from Github Packages
I have successfully pushed a package to Github packages:Now, Im trying to install this package in a project. I have created a nuget.config in the project that should consume from the nuget-package. The...
View ArticlePass array as inputs to Azure DevOps YAML task
I'm trying to configure a CI that will produces NuGet packages as artifacts on Azure DevOps (that will be later push to my NuGet server).For this, I'm using Builds Pipelines on Azure DevOps, the YAML...
View ArticleAzuredevops: Push NuGet Packages publishes unexpected packages
I am using classing (not yaml) configured build pipeline.However this is the configuration in yaml style:steps:- task: NuGetToolInstaller@0 displayName: 'Use NuGet 5.8' inputs: versionSpec: 5.8- task:...
View ArticleAzure Pipeline Pack Nuget Package in Classic Editor
I have an issue, the pack command doesn't look at the good place to get the dll generated by the build.The build command:The pack command:Variables set:In the build logs we have:Nuget.Entities...
View Articledotnet restore with private nuget server fails in docker-compose
The dotnet restore step is failing only from docker-compose, and only when I use a private nuget server in addition to the public server. It seems to be looking on my private server for public...
View ArticleNuget package contentFiles not copied to .NET Core project
I'm trying to extract content files from a Nuget package to a project referencing my package.Based on Justin Emgarten's commentPackages.config projects use the content...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Optimization, Version=,...
I keep getting this error although I already installed the nuget packet for Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization... Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Optimization, Version=,...
View ArticleHow to install Nuget package using windows command line in C# project?
I have downloaded NuGet version - 5.1.0 and tried to install one of the package - log4net using cmd. it failed. below is error -Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1348] (c) Microsoft Corporation.All...
View ArticleIs it Possible to Get Line Numbers for NuGet Packages in a Stack Trace?
I'm wondering if it's possible to via a setting or option of some kind to get line numbers to appear in a stack trace for code in a NuGet package that's being used by a .Net app. The example screenshot...
View ArticleExecution problems in visual studio for Mac 2019 (NuGet packages)
I want to use C# in Visual Studio but I cannot execute any C# projectsAnd it just shows the error, which says "Failed to read NuGet.Config due to unauthorized access. Path ...." also says "you should...
View Articlelog4net Package Dependency Issues - Version and
I've got a problem after I added the log4net plugin (Logzio.DotNet.Log4net) to my .NET project:log4net:ERROR Failed to find type [log4net.Layout.SerializedLayout,...
View ArticleWhy are content files from NuGet packages added as links in .NET Core...
I am developing a .NET Standard library and plan to use it in both .NET Core and .NET Framework projects. My library is dependant on a third library which itself is dependant on a few C binary files....
View ArticleOnly include wanted content files in NuGet package
I am building a nuget package from a c# class library project.The class library itself has files that are marked as build action=content and I can't change this.I don't want these content files in the...
View ArticleWhen the EPPlus 5 license ends, a question will be asked whether it is...
I have a question about EPPlus 5, so I asked a question.If I purchase and use EPPlus 5, the one-year period has expired.If that happens, I wonder if it is possible to build a project to which EPPlus 5...
View ArticleUpdating package references on multi-targeted projects
I'm looking to use multi-targeting for some common projects that need to compile both to .NET Standard 2.0 (for legacy .NET Framework 4.8 projects) and to .NET 6.0 (for new projects). Some of the...
View ArticleUpgrading Microsoft.Bot.Builder.LanguageGeneration to 4.15.0 results in...
Upgrading Microsoft.Bot.Builder.LanguageGeneration from 4.14.1 to 4.15.0 results in new errors about the fromFile() method. Couldn't find any solution or similar issues on the internet yet. This holds...
View ArticleFor Private Nuget Packages Should Functionality Be Split Out Into Separate...
My company is looking to develop some internal nuget packages to help with shared code across code bases. We are currently trying to decide if pieces of functionality should be broken out into its own...
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