Page Break with DinkToPDF
I'm using the DinkToPDFNuGet and I'd like to add a new page break after the first page. Is this possible? I know it would have to be done within the HTML, but providing an element with 100% height does...
View ArticleWhat is The Nuget Package For System.Web.Hosting
I have been researching but I can't seem to find any relevant answer. I will appreciate it if someone told me the nuget package to install in webapi application for System.Web.HostingI need it...
View Articleildasm on Linux via nuget installation: ildasm executable not found
I installed ildasm on my Ubuntu 18.04 vianuget install Microsoft.NETCore.ILDAsmI somehow ended up with two...
View ArticleHow to build custom libgit2sharp native libraries package
I am trying to create custom version of libgit2sharp with SSH support using source from official repo built NuGet package which contains libgit2 with enabled...
View Articleadd sqlite db file from a class library to asp core mvc output directory on...
so I created a class library project and put my SQLite DB in itand set these lines in .csproj file<ItemGroup><Content...
View ArticleAdd SQLite dtabase file from a class library to ASP.NET Core MVC output...
I created a class library project and put my SQLite database in it, and set these lines in the .csproj file:<ItemGroup><Content...
View ArticleAn assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (...) was not...
I upgraded Microsoft.AspNetCore from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 and my WebAPI project, although running successfully locally, fails to start in production (IIS). Everything was fine in production until this...
View ArticleGetting Error In installing Nuget Package Microsoft.UI.Xaml in window 10 ver...
I want to work xaml Islands in a WPF project and need to install Microsoft.UI.Xaml. My windows version is 1903 and am using visual studio 2019.But I get the error : Microsoft.UI.Xaml nuget package...
View ArticleNuget Package - feed (VSTS) :Exception 'System.AggregateException' thrown...
I have created a new feed with in Package Release hub (VSTS), installed the credentials, then added the package source. Now, I am using Visual Studio 2015 to install Micrososft.Aspnet.mvc to a project,...
View Articlesample documentation for creating a DevOps pipeline configuration and release...
Does anyone know of some good documentation for building a DevOps DC-CI without azure?All the documentation I see are focused on working in the cloud, the repository we have strictly LAN.The objective...
View ArticleReinstall Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio 2019
I am facing a problem with my project. The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?This has happened before and I solved it by...
View ArticleMSBuild - one Package Reference interferes with loading a separate Task
Using MSBuild, the following builds and works fine:<PackageReference Include="Publicise.MSBuild.Task" Version="1.3.0"/><Target Name="Publicise" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild"><Publicise...
View Article.NET Core Database First Scaffolding
I am getting the following Error when trying to Scaffold-DBContext. I have installed the Packages EntityFrameworkCore, Core.Design, SqlServer.Design, Core.Tools. The command I am running...
View ArticleNuget refuses to build with '=' property syntax
I have the latest version of nuget.exe\DocumentTreeController.cs(274,50): error CS1519: Invalid token '=' in class, struct, or interface member declarationSeems to be the default syntax for a...
View ArticleInstall a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code
How can I install a Nuget Package in Visual Studio Code? I know in Visual Studio, we can do this through the Nuget Package Manager console, but how do I do it in VS Code?
View ArticleHow to Get Content Files from a Dependency of a Dependency with Nuget
Let's say I have 2 packages: Car.nupkg and Wheel.nupkg. The Car project includes a reference to the Wheel project, but only the Car package is installed in the AutoFactory project.The Wheel.nupkg...
View ArticleSQLite database with GUI c++ program
when I try to add SQLite package in visual studio it keeps showing this error"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression StateError Could not install package 'SQLite 3.13.0'. You are...
View ArticleClass Library vs API
We have multiple web applications which use the same calculations in them. These calculations take some parameters, but also use figures from a database that the user doesn't see.In each project, we...
View ArticleIncorrect Nuget Reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition when I am...
I am using Visual Studio Professional 2019 and when adding nuget package for System.Runtime 4.3.1 it automatically adds reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition . Though build is successful on my...
View ArticleC# VisualStudio dependencies for projects vs packages
Trying to understand where all of the dependencies of projects in a visual Studio c# solution are defined. (Edit: This is in .NetCore 3.1)For projects in a solution dependent on other projects in the...
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