Nuget package creation not including referenced dlls
I'm using visual studio 2019 community version and the package manager console. I am using .net core 2.2 and Package References is enabled. I want to be able to create one single nuget pack coreproj1...
View ArticleUnable to Push GitHub Package for Nuget
I followed all guidance so as to be able to push a nuget package of my class library into my private GitHub repository.I added the following to my...
View ArticlePackage restore failed Issue for Scaffolding items
I have issues creating a Controller with Scaffolding items.I'm working with Visual Studio 2019 - ASP.NET Core Web Application (with MVC) - ASP.NET Core 3.1I did the following steps:I installed from...
View ArticleHow can I push Nuget Package to GitHub Packages?
I'm trying to push simple .Net Core Class Library to GitHub Packages. I've read all of documentation in...
View ArticleGet latest NuGet version for packages having dependencies more than one level...
I have a scenario where project A has a dependency on package B and package B has a dependency on package C. So installing package B in project A, I expect package B and C to be of the latest version,...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource The...
this project it runing normaly in debug mode but when i install it the connection to sqlite show thhis errorDatabase error Could not load file or assembly "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource,...
View ArticleNuGet Msbuild Pack with non-SDK project
I have an "old style" .NET framework project which includes nuget references and other project references. Now I switched to the PackageReference format (removed the packages.config). I want to create...
View ArticleSelecting correct .Net Framework for basic WPF - NUGET package can't install
I have created my first WPF project and it is written in .NET framework 4.7.2I have NO idea about the importance and functionality of this however I want to be able to install it in a few businesses...
View ArticleMSBuild and package restore with packages.config
Is it possible to restore packages during the build using MSBuild only if projects are still using packages.config?
View ArticleIncluding a Folder in NuGet Package and have it install into project as file...
I am using Visual Studio 2019 and creating NuGet packages successfully with this...
View ArticleError MSB4019 The imported project "path" was not found. Confirm that the...
I have build a api project with .net core 3.1 and dapper. It was working fine but today project is not loading.Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression StateError MSB4019 The imported...
View ArticleWhy are content files from NuGet packages added as links in .NET Core...
I am developing a .NET Standard library and plan to use it in both .NET Core and .NET Framework projects. My library is dependant on a third library which itself is dependant on a few C binary files....
View (114,5) error : The local source 'C:/path/index.json' doesn't exist
I am getting the below error while trying to run the dotnet store command in VS command prompt. I am behind a firewall and get a proxy authentication issue and also can't change devenv.exe.config file...
View ArticleHow do I do a deterministic build locally (ContinuousIntegrationBuild flag)?
When I attempt to publish my package using NuGet Package Explorer, I see the following warning:Deterministic (dll/exe): Non deterministicEnsure that the following property is enabled for CI buildsand...
View ArticleCan't install - Failed to retrieve information about...
I have made Python discord bots in the past with but now I am learning C# and I want to try to make one with When I try to install - I click on dependencies, then...
View ArticleNuGet Package Dependencies
Is it true that for every dependency that a package has on some other library, that those libraries need to be resolved and installed as well?For example, I created a package which uses NLog, Postsharp...
View ArticleInstall a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code
How can I install a Nuget Package in Visual Studio Code? I know in Visual Studio, we can do this through the Nuget Package Manager console, but how do I do it in VS Code?
View ArticleAdd native files from NuGet package to project output directory
I'm trying to create NuGet package for a .Net assembly which does pinvoke to a native win32 dll.I need to pack both the assembly and the native dll with the assembly added to the project references (no...
View ArticleWhat does PrivateAssets='All' mean?
When I build my .NET Core (NETStandard v2.0) project I am getting the following warning:ViewModels: [FodyPackageReference] Fody: The package reference for PropertyChanged.Fodydoes not contain...
View Articlechange output directory of nuget package
I created a NuGet package from my project. The output directory of the package is the solution directory. I would like to output it to a specific directory. I tried a target in the csproj file and in...
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