Ruleset deployed via NuGet Package not applied
I created a NuGet Package to share a ruleset for StyleCop.Analyzers within our projects as described here:...
View ArticleCan I ignore this nuget warning about no API KEY?
When pushing I see this:nuget push blah.1.0.0.nupkg -source repoWARNING: No API Key was provided and no API Key could be found for ''. To save an API Key for...
View ArticleI can't install 'ReportViewerMVC 12.0.0'. I keep getting this error. Please...
I created ASP.Net MVC application under.NETFramework 4.5, later I changed it to 4.5.2 to get reportviewer function. But I get this error when I install NuGet package for ReportviewerMVC.Here is the...
View ArticleNuget package doesn't copy contentFiles specified in .nuspec
I have a custom nuspec file for a c# project. In this example, the project is supposed to produce a nuget package which has an exe and a folder with some extra content in it.<?xml version="1.0"...
View ArticleAn assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (...) was not...
I upgraded Microsoft.AspNetCore from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 and my WebAPI project, although running successfully locally, fails to start in production (IIS). Everything was fine in production until this...
View ArticlePackage Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation 5.0.0 is not...
I'm trying to install Nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation on a .Net core 3.1 project and getting following error."Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation...
View ArticleInstall-Package : Unable to find package 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors'
i have installed the nuget package for webapi 2.2.and now when i am executing this commandPM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Corsfrom nuget package manager it is showing this...
View ArticleUnable to load System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions using rabbitMQ
So, we are updating our RabbitMQ dll at a project that is perfectly working from RabbitMQ 5.0.1 to 6.2.1 and I cant use the Factory.CreateConnection() method, as it gives me an inner exceptionCould not...
View ArticleHow do I setup a pipeline in Jenkins to create NuGet packages out of every...
I have a repo containing several shared libraries and want to set the version for all of the projects to 1.0.0, package them, and publish to a private NuGet feed. I don't know if there is a way to...
View ArticleHow do I determine .NET Framework needed for a particular NuGet package?
Using Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio 2019 I attempted to install Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls and was met with this message/error:"Could not install package...
View Articledotnet pack project references
I quite like separating functionality across a few assemblies, for example a facade to a data provider, contracts for the data provider and the data provider implementation itself... to my mind, it...
View ArticleNuGet pack is ignoring assembly info
When I run nuget pack MyProject.csproj from the command line, I get the following error:The replacement token 'author' has no value.I checked my AssemblyInfo, and the AssemblyCompany is specified as...
View ArticleHow to use hangfire in .net core with mongodb?
I want to use Hangfire for background jobs in registration form process,But I am unable to find Startup.cs file code for Hangfire.mongo.
View ArticleMy own hosted NuGet server doesn't work properly anymore
I've hosted my own NuGet server, and it worked great for my libraries. In this case, I installed "NuGet.Server" package.Recently, it doesn't work anymore and I can not push any version on it. When I've...
View ArticlePackage reference on net framework doesn't load transitive dependencies (not...
From scratch :Create a class library A in net framework 4.7.2Reference a nuget package, ex : NewtonsoftMigrate class library A to Package Reference modeGenerate nuget package for class library ACreate...
View ArticleNuproj - Difference between and
I see in nuproj files sometimes files are included using the File node or the Content node:<File...
View ArticleNuget says packages are missing, Package Manager Restore says all packages...
What have I done to my Solution!? D:I'm not able to install anything from nuget anymore. At first I kept getting an error saying:An error occurred while trying to restore packages. A root element is...
View ArticleThe request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel for nuget...
I am currently looking into using Octopus for our deployments. I'm trying to push the latest .nupkg file to our Octopus server as follows.NuGet.exe push outputfolder\My.nupkg -ApiKey myapikey -Source...
View ArticleView nuget package build information from within application
When a nuget package is created, does the package information get written to anywhere in the application where the package build number can be accessed and logged by that application?
View ArticleProject dependencies in a nuget package are being copied to the application...
I have .netcore2.0 app called MyHelper.MyHelper is referencing a .netstandard2.0 project called B.MyHelper is published as a nuget package.I need to use MyHelper in other projects and solutions only at...
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