Create Nuget package for dot net core project from static files
I have created npm package which has js and css files just similar to bootstrap as folder structure. I want to ship same package for .Net mvc web applications so I created .nuspec file specifying files...
View ArticleHow to specify which version of nuget.exe to use with self-hosted agent in...
I'm running self-hosted agent and NuGetToolInstaller was always throwing an error ERR:unable to get local issuer certificate.I found a fix-hack here. Just to download needed nuget.exe version to the...
View ArticleGet project dependency DLL's in package folder from package.json
I want to retrieve the NuGet dependency DLL's that are registered in the project package.config from the package folder.package.config (sample):<?xml version="1.0"...
View ArticleXamarin platforms projects unable to resolve NuGet dependencies
I'm struggling to understand why I sometimes stumble into this situation with Xamarin platform apps not being able to resolve the NuGet indirect dependendencies from its shared (.NET Standard)...
View ArticleHow do you include Xml Docs for a class library in a NuGet package?
I am creating a NuGet package for a C# class library, and I would like to include generated Xml Documentation with the library. This is my nuspec file:<?xml version="1.0"...
View ArticleConsider app.config remapping of assembly mvc
Using an ASP.NET MVC project that targets .NET Framework 4.6.1. I have updated the nuget package Antlr to v3.5.0.2 after building project vs start I get a warningConsider app.config remapping of...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly 'Kusto.Cloud.Platform, version ='...
I am referencing a .NetFramework v4.6 library project which has Azure.kusto.Data package version 4.0.3 with dependency 'Kusto.Cloud.Platform', Version' when this library is referenced by Azure...
View ArticleConfigure package source of nuget package manager in Visual Studio Code?
I would like to change the package source of nuget package manager in visual studio code. Please guide me to change the package source. Any help is appreciated.
View Articlepackages folder has different contents after pipeline build compared to local...
I have a bit of an issue after a build of a solution in an Azure Devops pipeline when compared to building on my local machine.The pipeline build (In release mode) is adding various other sub folders...
View ArticleHow to create a nuget package of a folder in jenkins
I have published a dotnet project folder in D drive now i want to create a nuget package of the folder using CLI like nuget package explorer does but it is a UI tool i want to do through CLi in jenkins...
View ArticleNuGet Packager not allowing a prerelease dependency in VSTS
When NuGet creates my package I get an error for including a prerelease package and it gives me the following...
View ArticleLTI 1.3 SDK in Visual studio or nuget package
Can anyone suggest me which package/SDK/nuget package can be used for LTI 1.3 in visual studio.I am using visual studio 2015 but I din't found any SDK/packages/nuget package for integrating LTI 1.3(IMS...
View ArticleNo service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Http.DefaultHttpClientFactory' has...
Visual Studio 2019. c#.Existing unit test after some changes started to be failed with error messageSystem.InvalidOperationException: No service for type...
View ArticleInclude my Nuget README in my Nuget Package
I maintain a few tiny Nuget Packages.I have a Nuget README file in the git repository, and the .nupkg file is auto-built by VS, based on the "Package" config, stored in the .csproj file.Whenever I need...
View ArticleUnable to find package NETStandard.Library
I tried to add a new Class library(.Net Standard) in Visual studio 2019. But I get this error message:Unable to find package NETStandard.Library. No packages exist withthis id in source(s): Microsoft...
View ArticleThe remote name could not be resolved: ''
I am having problem installing a Nuget package using the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio 2017. The following if the full details of the error:install-package : Unable to load the service index...
View ArticleGithub Actions: Push nuget xamarin.forms package
I'm trying to configure a GitHub action that builds my multi-target Xamarin.Forms plugin and pushes the package to GitHub and NuGet. Pushing the package to GitHub and NuGet shouldn't be much of a...
View ArticleHow to restore or install Nuget packages from copy then paste to *.csproj file?
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Preview - Version 16.8.0 Preview 2.0 , .NET Core 5.0.100-preview.8.20417.9 , ASP.NET Core 5.0-preview Web API.Original file *.csproj<Project...
View ArticleDifference between NuGet packages and extensions
In Visual Studio under Tools menu, what is the difference between "NuGet Package Manager" ->"Manage NuGet Packages for Solution..." and "Extensions and Updates..." ?
View ArticleHow to set only major and minor NuGet package version in Azure Pipelines from...
Currently, I have *.yaml variables like this, with an auto-increment with a counter: variables: solution: '**/*.sln' buildPlatform: 'Any CPU' buildConfiguration: 'Release' majorVersion: '1'...
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