Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?
I have the following convention for most of my projects:/src /Solution.sln /SolutionFolder /Project1 /Project2 /etc../lib /Moq moq.dll license.txt /Yui-Compressor yui.compressor.dll/tools /ILMerge...
View ArticleUnable to find package . No packages exist with this id in source. .NET core
I am trying to use a project as nuget package in other solution. The project i want to use has 2 references to other projects in the solution he is at.I am creating the .nupkg file using the cli...
View Articlechange output directory of nuget package
I created a NuGet package from my project. The output directory of the package is the solution directory. I would like to output it to a specific directory. I tried a target in the csproj file and in...
View ArticleNuget packages with both debug and release
In our work we have one team that develops libraries and other teams that develop projects using those libraries.The libraries team has much more experience than the projects one.We created this...
View ArticleNuGet Package restore failed for project
I'm a new xamarin developer.I ran into an error while running my first project:NuGet Package restore failed for project Project.Droid: Unable to find version '2019' of package...
View ArticlePackage is not found in the following primary source
I have a build pipeline set up to create Nuget packages and publish them to a feed in artifacts.I was able to use the feed successfully.However when I ran the pipeline again, causing the packages to...
View ArticleNuGet CLI throw error Unable to find .nupkg
I try to build a package using NuGet CLI. I run next command :.\nuget.exe pack D:\projects\CloudStorage.Client.csproj -OutputDirectory D:\packages -Build -Symbols -Properties Configuration=Release;But...
View ArticleProjectReference not getting included in the packed nuget
I am new to the C# and nuget world.I have the issue with . Cumulocity.SDK.Client internally has a ProjectReference to Cometd.NetStandard.csproj ....
View ArticleCould not install package '--'. You are trying to install this package into a...
I created this package, I need it in a project but couldn't install it, this error appears:Could not install package 'Mshwf.NiceLinq 1.0.9'. You are trying to install this package into a project that...
View ArticleWhy is .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Standard 2.0 listed as dependencies in...
I found this when looking at a NuGet package.Why are these 2 special? What about all the other .NET framework and .NET Standard versions?
View ArticleSelect Nuget package from local rather than downloading from the repo
I have a Nuget package N in private repo R.The .Net core project P uses N and is deployed to a server that doesn't have access to R.How can I add N to P locally so it doesn't have to install N from R...
View ArticleManually loading of assemblies and dependencies at runtime (nuget...
I currently have an issue with loading assemblies at runtime using Assembly.LoadFrom(String).While the specified assembly is loaded just fine, referenced third-party assemblies (e.g. nuget packages)...
View Articlenpm version analogue for NuGet
Is there any npm version analogue for NuGet packages?What I am trying to find is a CLI utility (let's say nuget-version) to manually bump NuGet package versions. So that I would type in :nuget-version...
View ArticleInstall a second NuGet from the first
I've created my own NuGet package, but I would also like the user to install another NuGet package alongside the one I install. Is there a way to automate this process in an install.ps1 script, or some...
View ArticlePublishing Nuget packages
How to publish nuget packages from teamcity to jfrog artifactory using plug ins. Can any one help me please.I have done Continuou integration for my project setup through team city. I wanted to push my...
View ArticleHow to install icons in Visual Studio 2015, I'm building a...
I'm building a windows form in Visual Studio 2015, I'm trying to add tools in my project. I've installed using NuGet package manager but it doesn't add it to my...
View ArticleHow can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?
I can clear my development computer's NuGet package cache using Visual Studio menu Tools→ Options→ NuGet Package Manager→ General: Clear Package Cache button.I would like to do this on the command...
View ArticleCreate multi-target Xamarin.Forms NuGet package
I'm trying to build a single NuGet package that can be installed in Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.UWP and Xamarin.Forms (.NET Standard) projects. I can't use .NET Standard since I need to have...
View Articlethe file @(ReferenceCopyLocalPath->;...
I am creating a nuget package using the pack command that is in dot net standard and its generating the following error:the file @(ReferenceCopyLocalPath->;...
View ArticleFirebase dynamic link is not resolving in Xamarin Forms iOS
I am using Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks for dynamic links, Earlier it was working fine but recently it is not working. While trying to extract the short link, long link getting null. Is...
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