Random NuGet packages in Azure Artifacts
I have a CI/CD Pipeline that builds a .NET Core Solution, containing multiple Class Library Projects, to build NuGet Packages. These NuGet packages are stored in a Feed in Azure Artifacts. Works...
View ArticleHow to fix restoring nuget packages error?
After a couple of weeks I revisited my .NET C# project in Visual Studio 2010. I changed just one line in source code and tried to rebuild the project and I get this error:Error occurred while restoring...
View ArticleVersioning per different project (feed) in Azure Pipelines
I have a .Net Core repo, that consists of various smaller projects, and a pipeline that builds it, tests it, and publishes the nugets on the feed.My problem is that all different nugets that get...
View ArticlePain-free local development while also referencing NuGet packages
I am attempting to publish and consume versioned NuGet packages of class libraries while avoiding headaches for local development. Here is a sample Visual Studio solution layout:| Libraries | LibraryA...
View ArticleNuGet restore package.config and PackageReference with NuGetCommand@2 Azure...
I'm currently working on a YAML pipeline in Azure pipelines and have run into a snag. I already have a work around; however, I was curious if anyone has encountered this and solved for it properly....
View ArticleWeird nuget namespace resolution by VS2019
I've been tackling some odd behaviour I have with my Visual Studio. I am generating pakage with simple Silo.Configuration namespace in it having two types in one file.Contents of the file:namespace...
View ArticlePhantomJS nuget package doesn't install .exe file inside .NET Core project
I want to install phantomJS nuget package for my .NET Core project. This nuget package contains an .exe file (phantomjs.exe).(C:\Users\.nuget\packages\PhantomJS\2.1.1\tools\phantomjs)Building or...
View ArticleHow can we inherit nuspec file from another nuspec file
I have a requirement to create different type of NuGet with Same project. I know we can create different nuspec file for this purpose. I just wanted to know if it is possible to create a parent nuspec...
View ArticleHow to use the .NET SDK console command "dotnet add package" for CFBSharp?...
I am new to learning C# and whenever I try to add a package in I receive this error message:Could not find any project in C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\CFBSharp-master\.
View ArticleIs it possible to automatically update Nuget packages after a winforms...
Let's say i have a windows forms application with a few Nuget packages that are important and need to be kept up-to date.Is it somehow possible to update Nuget packages programatically from a...
View ArticlePassing NuGet 'Pack' arguments in Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
In my Azure DevOps Build pipeline, I have added a NuGet task of pack command type (version 2.*).I am trying to pass the -Exclude ***.tt argument so that it excludes these files when referenced from...
View ArticleType removed from nuget is still available to consumer
Process:Create a NuGet package called FooPackage. The package consists of two DLLs: BarDLL is a C# wrapper, BazDLL is an F# library which defines a type called QuxType. The package and the DLLs it...
View ArticleHow control what depenent version is installed when using PackageReference
I have a C# project that uses PackageReference to manage dependencies using NuGet. I am able to install top-level packages using the NuGet manager with no issues. However, I am looking for a way to...
View ArticleLinphone SDK 3.12.0 installation on VS 2017
I am trying to install LinphoneSDK using nuget at VS2017. While installing I am getting below error :Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression StateError Could not install package...
View Articledotnet build with GeneratePackageOnBuild and contentFiles
hopefully this is not a duplicate but I didn't find or catch the solution to my problem in the other posts.I have a project that I'm building with dotnet build -c Release /p:Platform=x86...
View ArticleIs it possible to use/convert NuGet package as/to dependency for Java Binding...
Hi) Im trying to translate our Android Native Java Library which uses Fotoapparat Library and Tensorflow Lite to Xamarin Java Binding Library. Building it from AAR with "LibraryProjectZip" build...
View Article.txt in nuget will be content but do not copy when downloading, I want it to...
I have a project which I create a nuget from. In that project I have a .txt file set as content and copy always.when I then in an other solution install that nuget in a class library (visual studio...
View ArticleHow to solve NuGet.targets(124,5): error : Value cannot be > null. (Parameter...
On building the project I am getting this error.Error NETSDK1004 Assets file'J:\Test\core\fx-core\obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGetpackage restore to generate this file. FxCore...
View Article.NET Core Database First Scaffolding
I am getting the following Error when trying to Scaffold-DBContext. I have installed the Packages EntityFrameworkCore, Core.Design, SqlServer.Design, Core.Tools. The command I am running...
View ArticleAzure Pipeline Pack Nuget Packages with custom name
In my solution I have a few projects, which pack their own nuget packages on build. When packing the package I use the PackageID parameter to add a customprefix to the package name (which otherwise...
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