What is the difference between...
There are 2 nuget packages for Azure resource management: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resourcemanager.Fluent Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent How exactly are these nuget packages differ and when to...
View ArticleNuGet do I need to install Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore if all I need is its...
I'm relatively new to NuGet. I plan to make only use of a sqlite database in my project. Using the NuGet Packet Manager I saw that there are several packages related to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore....
View ArticleHow to force use of a specific package version using PackageReference
I seem to have a problem I can't solve. I have a .NET Core 2.0 console app. This app requires a niche-nuget package that I only have available locally. Let's call it NicheNuget. Both the console app...
View ArticleCreate NUGET package to support Both Asp.Net MVC and Asp.Net core MVC
I have created the library project with TragetFramework is .NetFramework 4.5 I released the library project as Nuget package. By using this Nuget package developer can able to Create Razor Html...
View ArticleDownload all packages from private nuget feed
I want to download all packages in all version from my private nuget feed. Thats it. I have no problem in using powershell, bash, package manager what ever. I can't use a placeholder project - that...
View ArticleHow do you package native dependencies in a nuget package for AnyCpu for...
I'm currently working on an application using .Net Framework 4.5 using the new SDK-style Project Format. I want to create a nuget package for a third party dependency that consists of an AnyCpu...
View ArticleCheck if package is compatible with .net core
I started programming with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core and after reading many Docs/Tutorials i still am not sure of how to realize if a Nuget-(Meta-)Package is comptabile/usable within my...
View Articlewhy there's only one ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib's in vs 2017 nuget manager?
in net 4.6 web project i need to update ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll from 0.85.4 to 0.86 but in nuget there is only one version. How do i update the dll?
View ArticleHow do I use OpenCover and ReportGenerator to view Unit Test Coverage Results?
I'm a noob to using both OpenCover and ReportGenerator and I'm struggling a bit in understanding how to get them working. I'm using VS.NET 2012 'Professional' which means I don't have access to the...
View ArticleExtract NuGet packager in Azure DevOps
I am trying to extract Nuget Package in Azure DevOps as part of build. I don't have dedicated plugin in Azure DevOps to unpack Nuget package. I just use zip extractor. I see some errors, stderr:...
View Article.NET Core 2.2 Include css and js in nuget package or external dll to hosting...
I am having a problem adding css/js files from my dll to other projects. Problem occurs in 2 situations:Different solution includes this nuget package, I only got "shortcuts" of my files, cannot see...
View ArticleHow to define the successor package ID after a rename of the NuGet Package ID
I know, you should not change the Package ID of a NuGet Package. But I did, because of a big refactoring.Now I want to know if there is a proper way to define a successor NuGet package.Old ID in...
View ArticleCan't Install Package
I Was Trying to Install this package but this keeps getting error. I also Tried Changing The Target Framework to 4.7 and 4.7.2Installing 'Anviz.SDK 2.0.4'.Successfully installed 'Anviz.SDK...
View ArticleXamarin.Firebase.Auth wont work when install Xamarin.Firebase.Messages
I'm struggling to understand why when I install Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging the auth is null in the code below:private void InitFirebaseAuth() { app = FirebaseApp.Instance; auth =...
View ArticleVersioning Nuget Package with GitVersion.yml in Azure Devops
I'm stucking with this for a whole week and I didn't reach where i wanted. I'm thinking about having two branches:-master-release(we are calling it vNext - the whole company knows it by this...
View ArticleIs compilation for a .NET Core version in "Maintenance" level (2.2 today)...
I am creating a multi-target nuget package that currently targets .NET 4.5, .NET Core 2.1 and .NET Core 3.0.Microsoft seems to promote the change vom .NET Core 2.1 to 2.2.Since .NET Core 2.2 is...
View Articleuninstall nuget package that no longer exists
We had our nuget server die and the admin never made a backup. So now building on a new install won't work b/c there is nothing in the cache and it can't recreate the dependency list. I tried to force...
View ArticleBuilding NuGet packages from Visual Studio
I'm trying to share an internal company assembly via NuGet packages and a private source. This assembly targets .NET Framework 4.6.1. I want these NuGet packages to pack automatically from Visual...
View ArticleTuesPechkin: IIS-hosted application
I'm having trouble trying to setup the PDF to HTML converter from the TuesPechkin Nuget package. I have it set up like mentioned here:This is my code in my aspx.cs page:private static IConverter...
View ArticleSpecify a Nuget package source in vs code
I want to specify the NuGet package source in vs code since I got follow error :Those packages from a customized NuGet source which is causing this issue. Is there have any way can help me resolve this...
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