Overriding Remote Repository in Premake5 script running
I have a C++ project on Visual Studio 2022 that when trying to setup, I'm unable of running the premake5 script with vs2022 parameter on cmd.I have a custom package that resides in my local system.when...
View ArticleVisual Studio Code using wrong NuGet package when building
I am trying build a .NET app in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and am getting this error:Logic.csproj : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source...
View ArticleNuGet packages suddenly disappeared in my .NET MAUI project
I am using Visual Studio Community 2022. I have three .NET MAUI projects in this solution, all of which were working as expected with the required NuGet packages showing up in NuGet Package...
View ArticleHow to add a Feed to NuGet in Visual Studio [closed]
My boss sent this today:Adjust your nuget to the following feed:https://.....azure.....artifacts....nuget....index.jsonDoes anyone have any idea where I go to solve this thing?I tried to put it here at...
View ArticleHow to build nuget package from nuspec without platform version?
I am trying to build a nuget package only for dependencies consisting of 3rd party packages. If I'd be starting from scratch probably adn empty project with reguired assemblies might be a better idea...
View ArticleNuGet local feed stops working when package with two different versions is...
I am trying to use a NuGet local feed for publishing my packages. So I tried to push my first component/package. I have the following nuget.config in my SDK project:<?xml version="1.0"...
View ArticleCan I download only necessary NuGet packages and skip transitive dependencies?
When I want to do my own NuGet package with custom authentication scheme, I need to download Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication that contains the AuthenticationScheme class. I need only this one class...
View ArticleNuGet CLI throw error Unable to find .nupkg
I try to build a package using NuGet CLI. I run next command :.\nuget.exe pack D:\projects\CloudStorage.Client.csproj -OutputDirectory D:\packages -Build -Symbols -Properties Configuration=Release;But...
View Articleerror: NU1100: Unable to resolve 'MicrosoftOfficeCore (>= 15.0.0)' for 'net5.0'
In Terminal of Visual Studio Code, when I try to run:dotnet add package MicrosoftOfficeCore --version 15.0.0I get the following error on Visual Studio Code terminal:error: NU1100: Unable to resolve...
View ArticleHow to resolve "Source not found" Error in Package Mapping Context in .NET
This is the error I'm facing while intalling any kind of package from the Dotner CLI. Is there any way to resolve this. All solution are appreaciated!!dotnet tool install --global dotnet-efUnhandled...
View Article.NET Core app looks for package assembly path without dll extension
My ASP .NET Core app references the PDFSharp package. This package creates 6 dll...
View ArticleUnable to find version '16.2.5' of DevExpress packages
I have a .NET application that uses DevExpress version I am continuously getting "NuGet Package restore failed" error when I build the project. I have inherited the source code from another...
View ArticleCan we modify a configuration file embedded in a nuget package (newrelic...
I am reading on how to profile Asp.NET core application using NewRelic, and specifically was reading how to use the NewRelic .NET Agent NuGet documentation on this link.And in that documentation there...
View ArticleHow to handle class name collision in nuget package
I have a C# project with a static class MyNamespace.Global. It contains things like constants that are used throughout the code. e.g. Global.MAX_NAME_LENGTH. One of the 3rd party nuget packages I'm...
View ArticleNuGet Update failure in Visual Studio 2019
I am having an issue with NuGet in Visual Studio 2019 (v.16.9.0).My Solutions are all ASP.NET MVC Web Apps. I run on a local LAN. In the NuGet Package Manager 'Allow NuGet to download packages' and...
View ArticleHow can I exclude .NET 9 updates in Visual Studio Package Manager
The Package Manager in Visual Studio 2022 tries to force me to update System/Microsoft packages to .NET9 versions. But I don't want to use .NET9, instead, stay on the latest .NET8 patch versions.Is...
View ArticleHow do I manage local nuget packages safely?
Our team has just started working with NuGet packages, for now locally on a local server directory. The problem starts when several developers are working on the same project and both accidentally up...
View ArticleSystem.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll 6.1 has two different assembly...
I have been upgrading all our projects to target .NET framework 4.6.2 and I'm running into a maddening problem. When I run the application it runs fine. However, when I run the unit tests I get an...
View ArticlePackage vulnerability issues in Visual Studio V17.12.1 [closed]
In Visual Studio version V17.12.1 getting vulnerability issues for some of the NuGet packages, couldn't update the packages getting error like **NuGet packages were not updating - Package restore...
View ArticleVisual Studio NuGet says I have 3 vulnerable packages, then shows me 0
So NuGet says I have 3 vulnerable packages. But when I then ask for a listing of the vulnerable packages, I get 0. What is going on here?Update: And it gets weirder. I updated Visual Studio and...
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