How to specify which version of nuget.exe to use with self-hosted agent in...
I'm running self-hosted agent and NuGetToolInstaller was always throwing an error ERR:unable to get local issuer certificate.I found a fix-hack here. Just to download needed nuget.exe version to the...
View ArticleNugget Package - consult security issue in solution VS2022
I saw in solution explore in Visual Studio 2022 problem with Nuget Packages with vulnerabilities, exist any command get that information?visual studio explorethe objetive is List all vulnerability...
View ArticleHow to publish nuget package update?
Well, this is my first Nuget package I publish, it's as simple as any first..I've published it through this command line:nuget push PKG. 0000000-000-0000-0000-0000000000 -Source...
View ArticleConflict with "System.Runtime" after updating Microsoft Graph NuGet package
I just updated my Microsoft Graph to the latest version and now I get a compiler warning:1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: OutlookCalIFConsole, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------Restored...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, Version=
Facing following issue after deploying app to azure app service:Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not loadfile or assembly 'Microsoft.Data.SqlClient,...
View ArticleNU1100: Unable to resolve Azure DevOps nuget package
We have an Azure DevOps nuget package that another service which is a net api uses without a problem. However, when this package is added to the worker service, pr pipeline fails at the "Restore...
View ArticleCan't find .so file in nuget package when deployed via Docker
I've written a nuget package that uses some compiled rust code and want to be able to use this package on both linux and windows. I've compiled the rust code to a .dll and .so, and included both in the...
View ArticleVisual Studio Code offline package installation
Is there any possibility to install offline NuGet package from visual studio code without internet connectionI have tried following command but invainPS C:\Users\vscode> Install-Package svcutil...
View ArticleSystem.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly...
I am trying to create a .Net Standard 2.0 library (I am using visual studio 22)I encountered the following problem while running the project:Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could...
View ArticleCSPROJ & Nuget -> Dll will not be copied to target directory
I have a c# project that creates a DLL and also creates a Nuget package in the release build.This package is used in a plugin that has no direct reference from the EXE. This plugin is loaded...
View ArticleStardew Valley--SMAPI tutorial mod failed to load because 'its DLL has no...
I am following this tutorial from the Stardew Valley wiki on creating your first mod with SMAPI. Sorry I feel like I included a lot of info but I see people asking for more in the comments a lot so I...
View mvc project sdk package error: MSB4019: The imported project...
My project was working smoothly until a while ago I reopen it to find the following error when trying to build it (I'm using vs code)I noticed sdk 8.0.107 being recently updated/implemented...
View ArticleNuGet package problems while building DirectX Graphics Samples
I've encountered NuGet problems while building DirectX-Graphics-SamplesThe error occurs with many projects, here is an example:NuGet Package restore failed for project D3D12Multithreading: Unable to...
View ArticleCould not install embedded files and folders in nuget package
I was experimenting on a nuget package project in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition and my goal is to add a folder and a file to the nuget package which it would install in the root folder of the...
View ArticleWhat if two nuget package point to the same Dll
Ok. So I have one solution with three projectsProject-A.csproj(turned into A.nupkg)Project B.csproj(turned into B.nupkg)Utils.csprojSince utils.csproj has a lot of central functions both A and B have...
View ArticleIs there a way in C# to get all the third party packages/libraries (source...
Like in Golang,Python and Java, we can easily get all the third party packages being used in the projects using their package managers.example :go mod vendor in Golang and mvn...
View ArticleShould Nuget packages perform CRUD operations on the database?
At work we are thinking of creating Nuget packages for all of our current libraries. Some that perform CRUD operations. Are there any standards that says anything against or in favor of having Nuget...
View ArticleNeed to update all Nuget packages to latest version in a solution that has...
I have many solutions, and each solution has many projects. Some projects may be used in multiple solutions.The ASP.NET MVC web app is targetting .NET 4.7.1. The API and library project both target...
View ArticleSSL CONNECTION ERROR- Dotmim sync httpresponse
I have Implemented the dotmim.sync nuget package to sync the data from clent to server and server to client dbmy client site uses a self signed certificate and the data is stored in sqlite dbMy server...
View ArticleHow Do I Send Notifications Using .Net Maui Plugin.Firebase?
I want to send notifications in the application I made with .Net Maui 8.0. I will do this using Firebase, but I encounter problems.I want to send notifications using Firebase in the application I made...
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