Options to consume c# nuget package in managed cpp [duplicate]
This may be a duplicate question but since I didn't find correct solution so I'm posting it here.I would like to consume c# nuget package (containing multiple dlls) in managed cpp in vs2019. I'm...
View ArticleLicensing NuGet packages per developer
I am creating a product that is distributed via a NuGet package. I'm wondering if there is a way to identify the person who is compiling a project using my assemblies. I need this information for...
View ArticleHow do I search for suitable NuGet packages?
The search function in Visual Studio for NuGet packages is not really good, is it?I was just searching for a package which defines units of measurement. ChatGPT suggested UnitsNet, that's how I know...
View ArticleGitHub action needs to restore NuGet package from private GitHub registry
I have a library project that I’m trying to create a GitHub action for. This action will create a NuGet package for my project but first needs to restore NuGet dependencies from both NuGet.org and a...
View ArticleiText pdf methods not getting exposed in asp.net core C# application -...
I'm using iText pdf library to process PDF files using C# in asp.net core application.I'm getting following errors while using GetNumberOfPages and GetPage methods.Error CS1061 'PdfReader' does not...
View ArticleTrying to update Nuget Package fails
I am working in a team environment where they have set up NuGet Stream to share some projects. I just recently got latest on one of my projects and noticed that packages.config is updated to refer to a...
View ArticleDotNetCoreCLI@2 pack command failing with .NET 8 upgrade
I have just upgraded one of our projects to .NET 8 and the devops pipeline is now failing on the pack command.A lot of the errors seem to look like thisEncountered conflict between...
View ArticleI was getting an error while installing the...
During the installation of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools NuGet package in the 'TaskTracking' project, two errors were encountered.Specifically, the package restore process failed, resulting...
View ArticleNuGet Package Manager error: The remote name could not be resolved
I am using version 1.4 and getting this error: The remote name could not be resolved: go.microsoft.comHere are the URLs for the nuget package:https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=206669Am i missing...
View ArticleTo get cellvalue while reading cell with formula using NPOI excel nuget package
I need to get cellvalue while reading cell with formula in existing excel file to a List using NPOI excel nuget package. My problem is while I tried to read cell with formula in existing excel file to...
View ArticleCannot install a specific version of dotnet tool in Azure DevOps pipeline
I am trying to install a version of a dotnet tool and it works for older versions but for the latest version, for some reason, it just won't installdotnet new tool-manifestdotnet tool install foo...
View ArticleOffline Nuget Packages
I need to install Nuget Package ProductionStackTrace, so I use the following commandPM> Install-Package ProductionStackTraceBut when I execute this command I get the following errorThe source at...
View ArticleAzure DevOps Artifacts feed does not contain a package description
I am using an Azure DevOps to publish a nuget package in private Artifacts feed.The pipeline contains these last tasks: - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'],...
View Article.Net Visual Basic application cant get NPOI to resolve IWorkBook is not...
I have a Visual Basic .NET application with the following code:Dim ds As New DataSetDim workbook As IWorkbookDim worksheet As ISheetDim sheetCount As IntegerDim file = New FileStream(xlsFileName,...
View ArticleHow to connect to MySQL Database?
New to C# programming, I'd like to be able to access MySQL Databases. I know MySQL connector/NET and MySQL for Visual Studio are required for C# development. Do I need to install them into my app? Is...
View Articlelooking for help in using visual studio spell checker [closed]
Very little detail. I am seeking a simple way of validating a given spelling of a word.I am using VB and all I require in my query is a yes/no response.I have searched and found several solutions which...
View Article.NET cross-platform alternative to Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.ShellFile
I am moving an old library project from .NET Framework 4.7.1 to .NET 7/8. One of the goals is to make the libraries cross-platform rather than Windows-only. So far I have succeeded, but there's a last...
View ArticleRun init.ps1 file after EACH NuGet installation
I have a C# NuGet project and I have created a tools\init.ps1 file in order to perform some actions directly after the installation of the NuGet. This file is embeded using the .nuspec file of the...
View ArticleTcHmiRecipeManagementSample.hmiproj after update project folder (preliminary...
In TcHmiRecipeManagementSample.hmiproj after update project folder (preliminary versions included) error message occursTcHmiSymbolServer Exception processing notification from server:...
View ArticleWhy is package manager ignoring the settings in the nuspec file
From my understand the nuspec file this should not be adding anything from the plugins folder, but all the files are still being added. I just want them in the pack, and not added to the project.This...
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