Getting Assembly Errors With SignalR
I getting this error and I don't know what the issue is. The project is using framework net48;net6.0 and we have NewtonSoft 13 installed.
View ArticleADO Release pipeline -> How to make pipeline to restore the artifact added to...
I have a release pipeline with an artifact added to it. Also I have below tasks, my problem is I don't know how to include that artifact while NuGet Restore such that my pipeline will run on the...
View ArticleRetrieve Nuget Package Metadata from IFormFile or MemoryStream
I have an API I am creating that retrieves an IFormFile that is a Nuget package. I need to retrieve the 'BuildVersion-X.X.X.X' value from the metadata. All the research I have found so far is just...
View ArticleHow to add packageSourceMapping targeting pattern and version in NuGet.Config
In an C# based project, I am using preview packages are are hosting on a not The production packages are hosted on want to define rules in my Nuget.config...
View ArticleGoogle's ML Kit bindings for Xamarin.iOS
I have used Xamarin.Google.MLKit.FaceDetection NuGet package for the Xamarin.Android but I couldn't find the counterpart NuGet package for the Xamarin.iOS.I know this repository...
View ArticleWhy does Visual Studio change app.config if a NuGet package is added?
After adding a deliberate NuGet package to a .NET Framework project (version 4.8 in my case) typically two types of files change: packages.config and csproj file.But sometimes also the app.config...
View ArticleNuGet Can't Install Packages
I created a new .NET core Web App and I am trying to add packages Microsoft.EntityframeworkCore and Microsoft.AspNetCore and I am getting the error: package restore failed rolling back packagesI have...
View ArticleIn C# is it possible to use packages that depend on .NET 4.5.2 in newer .NET 7?
I am pretty new to C# and .NET and am trying to use a package that depends on .NET 4.6.2 in newer .NET 7 solution. I know it may be obvious but is this possible? I have searched and cannot even find...
View ArticleCannot use installed Blazor QuickGrid nuget package
I'm using Visual Studio 2022. My Blazor WebAssembly project uses .NET Core 7. I've installed the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Component.QuickGrid nuget package from the Package Manager and it appears in my...
View ArticleSelf signed certificate in certificate chain - NuGetToolInstaller
I have configured an Azure DevOps pipeline. When I try to run NuGetToolInstaller, I received ERR:self signed certificate in certificate chain. What is the solution to this error?
View ArticleNuget package generation Exclude lib folder
I am trying to generate nuget package with .nuspec file. We have several projects under one roof and trying to create nLog.config (And transform files) and distribute it via nuget package. For any...
View Articleerror : Invalid project-package combination for Tokenizer 2.0.0....
I have a ASP.NET 4.8 webapplication and want to maintain CICD using github actions workflow. I am trying to add tokenization task for replace the variable as per the environment secrets after build but...
View ArticleNuget.exe command CLI does not recognized
I would like to add feed to push my nuget package to Azure Devops as artifacts. I have followed all the steps that have been mentioned in the Microsoft docs to push my nuget package to Azure Devops. I...
View ArticleAssembly version option missing in VS 2022 .NET 6 [duplicate]
In a .NET Framework class library I was able to right click the project > properties and click Assembly Version, update the version and that was part of the build once the dll was available. I then...
View ArticleCreating a nuget package copying files to the root of the target project
I'm currently working on creating a NuGet package that requires certain files to be copied during installation. However, I'm facing some issues with the copying process. Firstly, the files are being...
View ArticlePublish nuGet package as single file
I am not sure if I am rightly thinking or not, but I was trying to create a nuget package which can be published as a single file, so that dependent nuget libraries must be bundled in single nuget...
View ArticleAzure function v4 migration. Could not load file or assembly...
I'm currently migrating an Azure Function from v2 to Azure Functionsv4. I already migrated my project to .NET6 and fixed all the package reference errors. I have in the solution 3 projects which I...
View ArticleAzure Pipeline not using private project nugget packages (artifacts)
I am trying to run a pipeline that will produce an artifact ([...].Models) for my private project's artifact/package feed.It relies on another artifact ([...].Interfaces) that I have successfully...
View ArticleWhy isn't NuGet manager showing for one SLN in visual studio 2022?
This just happened with one of my SLN's which is made up of several projects.I'm getting a bunch of MSB4018 Errors and all of my NuGet dependencies have warning icons. If I try to launch the NuGet...
View ArticleCan not add content to nuget package
I created a blazor component library; when the project was created, it included scaffolded.cs and.js files with the names exampleJsInterop.I also made a blazor app to test the component library by...
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