How to pack linked files from referenced NuGet packages
I have a build-properties-defining package that is to be used by all the libraries.Some libraries may provide a json file, that should be retained when they're referenced by some other libraries and...
View ArticleHow to get required nuget package when building C# project in Azure pipeline?
I was building a C# project in Azure pipeline and got following error. I resolved it by uploaded the required Blend package to the GitHub repository. Supposing I don't want to put these Nuget packages...
View ArticleBuild NuGet Package automatically including referenced dependencies
I want to run a local/internal NuGet repository. I think I've figured out how to "reuse" existing NuGet packages by including them in a dummy project using NuGet and scanning the package file to grab...
View ArticleCreate Nuget Packge Suppots Dependecy Injection and use Interface to be...
I am trying to develop a weather Nuget package that can be used in any .netcore project, the library should give me the current weatherfor a specific city that I chose in Celsius or Fahrenheit.I will...
View ArticleCould not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Options,...
I am getting below issue in my function app while debugging in local. Please let me know the issue here ! I think there is a bug from the packacges that i have used.Could not load file or assembly...
View ArticleCommand Line Parser Library - Boolean Parameter
I try to pass a boolean parameter to a console application and process the value with the Command Line Parser Library.[Option('c', "closeWindow", Required = true, HelpText = "Close the window.")]public...
View ArticleCan I get warnings on incompatible packages?
EDIT:Apparantly this is a duplicate of an older question where the answer was "You can't avoid this"System.TypeLoadException occurs on duplicate dependency with different versionBut there's a comment...
View Articledotnet pack failing in AWS Codebuild for .NET framework web project
I am trying to package a project in my buildspec.yml file. My build server is AWS Codebuild.I am using the following line-aws s3 sync s3://<MyS3Bucket>/<MyProject> ./builddotnet pack...
View ArticleMissing Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio 2022
When I right click on the project, nuget package manager does not appear.Im using vs2022I can access tools>nuget package manager>package manager console and tools>nuget package...
View ArticleUnable to load DLL "Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.core.dll", could not...
I have a console application that I made in Visual Studio 2022, using C#, .NET Framework 4.8.1, and the Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDK (version 1.25) installed through NuGet. The application works...
View ArticleAndroid Cardinal Mobile SDK Issue
Recently review my app, and found that app is not compliant with one or more of our Developer Program Policies. Please resolve this issue within 60 days of the issuance of this notification or your new...
View Articlexamarin project suavecontrols referenced in xamarin can be modified in c# but...
I use a materialentry from the project suavecontrols which link is this problem is the next, if I use the control in C# there is no...
View ArticleCould not install package 'Emgu' with .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2 in a...
I have a Visual Studio 2022 C# Project (4.7.2 Framework) and want to addEmgu.Cv.Runtime.Cuda and nuget files to the project but i could not do it.I have an...
View ArticleHow to install this NuGet package if i don't see it?
I want to download this, but i really can't, it's have a strange README, can anyone help?I tried commands from README and finding this...
View ArticleHow to get NuGet package authors in PowerShell?
I want to get a NuGet packages information. I have already script , like this:@( Get-Project -All | ? { $_.ProjectName } | % {Get-Package -ProjectName $_.ProjectName } ) | ? { $_.LicenseUrl } | % {$pkg...
View ArticleHow to install this NuGet package if i don't see it?
I want to download this, but i really can't, it's have a strange README, can anyone help?I tried commands from README and finding this...
View ArticleConfigure NuGet Client SDK to specify a particular framework
I have the following code sample (taken from this Gist) working for downloading a NuGet package and its dependencies to a particular folder:public async Task<HashSet<PackageIdentity>>...
View ArticleNuget package in Visual Studio 2012
Nuget online packages in Visual Studio 2012 [manage nuget packages] are not loaded.I try use command line for install packages but theadd-package Other commandsis not working and I think the commands...
View ArticleNuGet\Install-Package : Could not install package...
seriously im newbie at .net core and i dont know how to install efcorethis is the command im using in package manager:NuGet\Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 7.0.3im trying to...
View ArticleRunning into a few problems after updating Microsoft.Graph and...
We have created software to integrate with Microsoft Teams, using the Microsoft.Graph packages from NuGet.Up until recently these were working fine even while Microsoft regularly updated its NuGet...
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