Reference Unable to Find and Add in ASP.NET MVC Solution
I added "Microsoft.Owin.Security" in references but still showing error.using Microsoft.Owin.Security.ProVida.Provider;Code :public ProVidaAuthenticationOptions GetAuthenticationOptions() { } Error :...
View ArticleSource Link with an Azure DevOps Symbol Server
There are several documented ways on internet on how to use Symbols Source files and Source Link to debug inside a Nuget Package but it's honestly hard to understand what is the good way for me.We have...
View ArticleHow to use custom xamarin.forms library
I have downloaded the official xamarin.forms library from Github. I edited some of the main library class and now I want to use that into a project instead of the common one through NuGet package. How...
View ArticleNuget pack for assemblies that are append with version
I have to tag every .dll with it's version from assembly, so from Service.dll it becomes: Service-v1.0.0.21455.dll I tried this two approaches, but each has flows:Build > Rename > Pack with nuget...
View ArticlePackage Manager Console hangs on npm init
so I'm trying to run a basic npm install in NuGet and when I ran 'npm init' it hangs right after getting this far:This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file. It only covers the...
View ArticleWhy are .NET Framework System.* dependencies added as nuget packages?
When I add a Microsoft nuget package (Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus) to my .NET Framework 4.7.2 Class Library, Visual Studio 2019 also adds System.* dependencies as nuget packages, why?I would have...
View ArticleHow to clear NuGet package cache using command line?
I can clear my dev computer's NuGet package cache using VS Tools/Options/NuGet Package Manager/General: [Clear Package Cache] button.I would like to do this in command line. Unfortunately I can not...
View ArticleCMake and MsVS-NuGet
I'm currently developing a desktop application, using the C++ REST SDK (codename Casablanca), Qt5 and some other libraries.For the project setup, I use CMake.How to get CMake to install NuGet...
View ArticleCannot add or update NuGet packages, receiving NuGet V2 feed error
I have recently moved to VS 2019 and now I can not install or update packages through NuGet. I receive the following error - An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'jQuery.3.4.1' from...
View ArticleInstall a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code
How can I install a Nuget Package in Visual Studio Code? I know in Visual Studio, we can do this through the Nuget Package Manager console, but how do I do it in VS Code?
View ArticleEncoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance) does not add...
I am developing a netcoreapp2.0 console application and I need access to the whole encoding package from .NET.I have already added the System.Text.Encoding.CodePages Version=4.4.0 Nuget package from...
View ArticlePass array as inputs to Azure DevOps YAML task
I'm trying to configure a CI that will produces NuGet packages as artifacts on Azure DevOps (that will be later push to my NuGet server).For this, I'm using Builds Pipelines on Azure DevOps, the YAML...
View ArticleHow to create a container with docker-compose if the project depends on a...
I have an core webapi solution which uses a NuGet package from a private repository located in a share network drive.What i did was to add a nuget.linux.config file in the project directory...
View ArticleNuGet doesn't show installed packages
I have MVC 5 project and I use NuGet to install packages. Yesterday I have installed a couple of packages, but today when I run my application I got an error of missing references. I've realized, that...
View ArticlePackage added with nuget, but can't using
I added a nuget package to a C#asp.core net 3 application:dotnet add package NQuantLib64 --version 1.0.9 I can see the package in the project:idf@ubvm:~/Documents/Projects/OptionsAPI$ grep -i Quantlib...
View ArticleWarning NU1701: package build for Core2.0 is being restored with .NET4.6.1 in...
I have build my own nuget package containing a dll build for the .NETCore2.0 framework. <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.0</TargetFramework>...
View ArticleVisual Studio Package Tab vs. Package Properties in .csproj
What is the relationship between the fields in the VS package tab and the XML package properties in the .csproj file for a given project?I ask because when I change something like Generate NuGet...
View ArticleHow do you include Xml Docs for a class library in a NuGet package?
I am creating a NuGet package for a C# class library, and I would like to include generated Xml Documentation with the library. This is my nuspec file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...
View Articlenuget packages folder is created in solution level and project level hint...
MVC project is unable to find the nuget package and throwing error.The missing file is...
View ArticleMVC bootstrap navbar not working after running NuGet updates
An MVC app broke after we updated all the NuGet packages. After trying everything I created a new MVC app, updated the NuGet packages and the basic navbar...<div class="navbar navbar-inverse...
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