Unable to debug NuGet package using SourceLink with Bitbucket Cloud
Has anyone had any luck getting SourceLink to work when using Bitbucket Cloud as the repo with 2 factor and SSH auth enabled?I've followed all of the provided guidelines on both the NuGet package and...
View Article3.0.0-preview.13' is not a valid version string. At line:1 char:1
I try to install Microsoft.Graph.Beta in c# with using following command NuGet\Install-Package Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Version 5.11.0-preview but I got tis error 3.0.0-preview.13' is not a valid version...
View ArticleHow to disable "transitive package management" for a Visual Studio project
How do I disable "transitive package management"?I wish to do so, so that I can install a package that I "packed" locally and have in a .nupkg file. When I attempt to do so, I get a messaging stating...
View ArticleNuGet package change to specific Major/Minor but latest patch
I have a scenario where I need a way from the command line to change the version of NuGet package a specific major and minor version but the latest patch version.i.e if I had the following...
View ArticleIs there any way of fixing this Visual studio 2015 Nuget Pacage Manager mess?
It seems I managed to completely break my Visual Studio 2015 setup by uninstalling Nuget Package Manager. I uninstalled it in order to fix its inability to update anything. Now, when I try to launch VS...
View ArticleUnable to load service index for source nuget package with private repository...
Trying to call installed private repository package to another private repository. And, getting error while performing action dotnet restore {{ env.Solution }} -- interactively.No proxy settings in...
View ArticleUsing JFROG artifactory reference with .NET upgrade-assistant
We get all our nuget packages from our internal artifactory (JFrog). Our company disabled https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json. We want try to use the .NET upgrade-assistant tool pointing to our local...
View ArticleHow can I Install-Package Azure.Identity into VS2013 Net Framework 4.8 Project
My Azure Identity cannot be install because it targets the frameworks of.net standard version2.0.VS2013 .Since like VS2013 has an ancient version of NuGet which doesn't know anything about .NET...
View ArticleVisual Studio - Nuget - Unable to load the service index for source
This is my NuGet.config : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration><packageSources><add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3"...
View ArticleChanging name for Nuget Package
I have a Nuget package. Example: 'Sample'.I have generated a .nupkg file using nuspec file.and then pushed 'Sample' nuget package to feed using Nuget push azure build task.my nuspec file:<?xml...
View ArticleThe EntityFramework package is not installed on project
I am having trouble getting the EF to install on my very simple project called 'Match' (just now learning MVC, better late than never). The general context here is that I created the Model class with...
View ArticleHow Does Nuget Decide Where To Install Packages Within A Solution
I noticed a curious thing when installing some Nuget packages and am hoping someone can shed some light on why it happens.I have a VS 2022 solution with the following layout:MySolution.sln...
View ArticleHow can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?
I can clear my development computer's NuGet package cache using Visual Studio menu Tools→ Options→ NuGet Package Manager→ General: Clear Package Cache button.I would like to do this on the command...
View ArticleHow can I fix the error occurred while retrieving package metadata on nuget...
Im having problem using nuget package after install open xml, I get this errorAn error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml.2.16.0' from source...
View ArticleLacks permission to complete this action, you need to have 'AddPackage' Azure...
However, I see my user in the package as Publisher.But I didn't send the packages. It turned out automatically, I think.Tried it manually in CMDnuget.exe push -Source "Feed" -ApiKey az...
View ArticleDeveloping and debugging projects in mutli-repository in Visual Studio
This is the basics of the problem I am having (of course it is oversimplified for the sake of the question):I have 2 projects in a solution stored in mono-repository:Project1 - outputs a library...
View ArticleHow to use google lib-phonenumbers in dynamics c# plugin
For validating and formatting phone numbers with a plugin, I'd like to use google's libphonenumber-csharp package. When I download this in the NuGet Package Manager, I first get the error that the...
View ArticleUnable to debug NuGet package using Source Link with Bitbucket Cloud
Has anyone had any luck getting Source Link to work when using Bitbucket Cloud as the repo with 2 factor and SSH auth enabled?I've followed all of the provided guidelines on both the NuGet package and...
View ArticleDevice.net and show connected USB devices and listen to a specific one
I've found Device.net package but I really don't understand how to obtain the list of usb connected device (and then, listening to a specific one).I have an USB RFID and I would like to capture the...
View ArticleVisual Studio - Nuget - Unable to load the service index for source
This is my NuGet.config : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration><packageSources><add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3"...
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