I have an analyzer and codefix that searches a project for the implementation of an interface IImplementation
.The interface isn't anything particularly special. For my purpose here, we'll make it:
public interface IImplementation{}
I'm having some trouble packaging the interface so that it's accessible in the project.
I have the basic solution setup with the following projects:
In the Analyzer I try to find the NamedTypeSymbol of IImplementation
I create a .nupkg which contains /analyzers and /lib folders.
When I install the package it installs under Dependencies/Analyzers and Dependencies/Packages.
The Packages dependency doesn't look like it's loading correctly:
I noticed that it has not Compile Time Assemblies associated with it, and that every other package I see has them. So, I'm assuming that's where the issue lies.
Is there a way I can specify compile Time Assemblies for my Analyzer/Interface Package?