We are developing a small cart application using xamarin forms in visual studio 2019. We like to implement horizontal grouping listview in Xamarin forms. I tried flowlistview group but it is not able to bind the header template. is there any custom render available for horizontal grouping listview or give me a solution to resolve this issue
My code: Homepage.xaml
<flv:FlowListView SeparatorVisibility="None"
HasUnevenRows="false" GroupDisplayBinding="{Binding Heading}"
FlowItemsSource="{Binding ListOfPeople}">
<Label Text="{Binding DisplayName}" />
private List<PersonList> _listOfPeople;
public List<PersonList> ListOfPeople { get { return _listOfPeople; } set { _listOfPeople = value
public HomePageViewModel()
var sList = new PersonList()
new Person() { FirstName = "Sally", LastName = "Sampson" },
new Person() { FirstName = "Taylor", LastName = "Swift" },
new Person() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" }
sList.Heading = "S";
var dList = new PersonList()
new Person() { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe" }
dList.Heading = "D";
var jList = new PersonList()
new Person() { FirstName = "Billy", LastName = "Joel" }
jList.Heading = "J";
var list = new List<PersonList>()
ListOfPeople = list;